Chapter Fourteen

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I can't remember a terrible amount from the time period between sleeping with Noah for the first time in the middle of October, to mid-January when we both returned from our trip to meet his mother and sister. I'm not even sure how I ended up being taken up there. I kind of remember us having a fight about it. I feel like there was crying, slamming doors, a few days for us both to cool down. Either way, I wasn't alone. Noah had made sure of that and his sister and I got on a little too well. Most nights ended with me and Ally sat across from Noah, laughing at pictures from his childhood. He hated it. I thought it was funny, he loved listening to me laugh. It worked out.


"Yes Noah?" I looked up for a second, pulling the earphone out of my ear.

"It's quiet now."

"Is it?" I looked around at the packed-out cafe. "Looks pretty busy."

"Come on Jules. One kiss."

"Nope, not until it's quiet. Thems the rules Chris set."

"Fuck Chris."

"Not whilst you're with me you won't." He scrunched his face up, making me chuckle, put my chin in my hands. "You're so cute when you're frustrated."

"I can make you frustrated if you want to go there baby." I gasped as Noah slipped his hand onto the back of my chair, the other on the table, leaning down to my ear. "Wait until I close up in an hour, I'm gonna rail you in that kitchen again."

"Hmm. How about this instead? I pack up and go back to the cottage, lock the doors, turn my phone off and put my playlist on really loud so I can't hear you."

"Try it. You know for a fact I'll shatter a window to get into you."

"You'll be replacing it."

"Obviously." He chuckled, rolled his eyes. "I'm trying to flirt with you here."

"You've got customers."

"I kn-"

"No Noah, there's 3 girls waiting by the till." He stood up, turning around and grunting before going all customer service smiley face. He's so funny. He knows he's not allowed to touch me in here. Chris' orders to allow me to work in here whilst Noah's in too. I need to be here so I can focus. I'm halfway through writing the book now and it just flows easier if I've got coffee flowing and people around I can use for inspiration. Noah. I mean Noah. I'd sent Riley the first half a few days ago and her only response had been 'alright, you're actually writing a book based on your boyfriend.' Which wasn't exactly false. The character inspiration came from Pinterest and so much research and honestly, Noah fit the vision I had in my head when I was plotting anyway. The story kind of runs alongside ours but has a shit tonne more drama. The sex in the book- well- I'd be lying if I said I hadn't used actual experiences as... 'research'. But Noah won't know. So, it's fine.

I'd told him I'd let him read a few chapters once they get through the final edits, once Riley signs off on it all, my editors have, I have, I'll pick him a few fun chapters and he can have at them. I wasn't telling him my pen name until the night before the book gets published. We'll have been together almost a year by that time. It should be okay. I have time.

"Hi." I looked up quickly. New face. Weird. I pulled my laptop screen down slightly.


"Sorry. I don't mean to interrupt. You're just a new face around here."

"Oh. Um. Yeah I moved in back in August."

"Maybe I don't get out enough then. Can I?" She sat down opposite me before I could say a thing. "You're really pretty."


"I saw Noah over here a second ago." I looked back over my shoulder, Noah looking stupidly annoyed at the girls at the till. I was going to get a full low down of what's happening over there the second they leave. I can see it happening. I'm going to piss myself laughing. "He's cute."

"Mhm." I turned back to the brunette, watching as she tugged a slightly damp beanie down her hair a little more. Dark hazel eyes, behind extremely thick, fake eyelashes.

"Are you two like a thing?"

"Who, Me and Noah?" She nods. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"Oh. Teagan." She giggles. "Most people call me T or Tia." She held a handout but I wasn't about to shake her hand. I'm not stupid. "Okay, I had an ulterior motive to coming over here." There we go. Let me climb back into my chair because that was such a shock I fell out.

"Oh yeah?"

"I know you're new here and you're clearly from America with the accent-" Oh let me swing for her "and everything, so I'm going to just go easy and give you a break there. But this is your warning. Noah is mine. We were together for 2 years before you swooped in here, flicked your fake blonde hair and fluttered those fucking contacts and stole him from me whilst we were having an argument. So Back off. Find somewhere else to get your pretty little lattes, some other guy to pretend you're anything special. We won't have a problem if you do."

"What if I don't?" I glared at her. Threaten me bitch. Try it. I'll have you across this table before you can take that fucking hat off your head.

"I think you get the picture." She tipped her head, looking me up and down. "You're not even pretty. I mean, come on, that blonde is so outdated. No makeup. Wired earphones. You're a total bore." I closed my laptop slowly, looking at the girl across from me as she reeled off more and more insecurities. It took the sharpest dig at me and I could feel myself cracking.

"Teagan." She snarled. "I'm not competing with you for Noah's attention. If you want him babe, you're welcome to have him. If you can win him over, I won't even fight you on it. I'll hold my hands up and let the fairest woman win. But I'm not going to tear you down in the hopes you'll get so insecure you'll run home crying. I think you're beautiful. You're hair looks really pretty like that, with the curls. I love your outfit and I'm a little jealous because I could never pull the chic winter look off. I'm not pitting us against each other over a man. Even if the man is Noah. If you want him, go get him." She narrowed her eyes at me. "I don't control him. He can do what he likes. If he wants to leave me because he wants you-" I shrugged. "Is there anything else, I'm just working is all."

"So, you're just going to let him go?" She almost laughed.

"Let me let you in on a secret Teagan. If a guy can just walk away from you that easily, he never wanted you in the first place." It looked like I'd struck a painful nerve with that one. She snapped her mouth shut and stood up abruptly, the chair dragging on the floor and causing everyone in the room to look our way.

"I'll do it." I smiled, nodding at her. "You're not going to stop me?"

"You're eyeliner's really pretty. You can tell how much work you put into it." She was getting angrier. She came in here looking for a fight but she wasn't getting one from me.

"You're such a -"

"Teagan." Noah warned. His hand dropped to my shoulder, squeezing tight. "Outside. Now."

"I was just-"

"I said. Now." She looked down at me and I gave her a smile, opened my laptop back up as though she hadn't had a single effect on me. The bell rang, signalling her leaving and my chair was spun in its spot. "What did she say?"



"It was nothing Noah. I'm fine. I just want to get back to this." He narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm okay."

"We'll talk about it later. Okay?" No.

"Okay." Noah leaned forward, kissing my forehead quickly. I want to go home. 

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