Chapter Eleven

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3 days after turning up at Jules' place and finding her on the brink of death and finally she's starting to resemble a human today. I was a little upset in all honesty. I was enjoying looking after her a little more than I probably should. I'd been leaving her tucked into bed on a night, coming over the next evening to cook her dinner and just keep her company. I can't deny that laying out on the sofa with her under my arm didn't feel unbelievably good.

It broke my heart though, watching her not understand why I was doing this for her. I'd caught her texting Riley one night when her head was laid in my lap. Telling her that she was convinced I had some ulterior motive or that I simply wasn't real. 'There has to be a catch Riles. None of it make sense.'

That damn text had been spiralling in my head for days. Someone somewhere has made this girl, who is making smiley faces in her soup and giggling to herself, believe that she isn't worthy of just general kindness. They made her allergies feel like an inconvenience. They've taught her that she shouldn't expect this kind of treatment from someone who wants to be with her. But nothing I've done has been that out there really. At least, I don't think so? I made her cookies? That's normal. I looked after her when she's been super sick. Normal. Brought her coffee. Also, normal. Cooked for her. Cooking is my favourite thing to do. I probably get more out of cooking for her than she does.

"How's the soup?"

"How did you get it so creamy without cream?"

"Coconut cream."



"I never knew you could use that."

"Well normally you'd use something like cream cheese or a soy alternative but because they're from the same family as peanuts I thought better not risk it."

"I've never had a reaction to soy."

"You haven't?"

"Not that I know of."

"I'll avoid it anyway, better to be safe than sorry." She went back to eating in silence. Dipping bread I'd made this afternoon at the café specifically for tonight. She was loving this. Watching her this happy was filling me with such a warmth straight to the middle of my chest. Nothing compared to that feeling. "How are you feeling now?"

"Better." Steel blue eyes looked up at me. She's a lot more colourful now than she was on Saturday. Cheeks are back to their usual rosy pink. She looks more like herself now. "Promise you're not sick too."

"Not even a sniffle." She nodded. "I have this weekend coming up off completely."

"Oh nice. Going to see you mom?"

"Actually, I was going to ask if you wanted to spend the weekend together. Do a few day trips?"

"With me?"

"No Juliette, with the soup. Yes, you."

"You really want to go out again? After this week?" She stumbled and it was the final straw for me. I slowly shifted, putting my empty bowl on the coffee table before reaching for hers. "What are you-"

"I want your full attention for a second." Her brow furrowed further as I pulled her back into my lap. I couldn't get over how she felt right here. Even like this, hair pulled back so it's out of her face, nose still a little bit red but no longer snotty. No makeup, oversized pyjamas. No effort went into this look. It was just Juliette. Top to bottom, this was the girl that had been completely stealing every single thought in my head since I met her. "I like you Juliette. A hell of a lot more than I probably should for someone I've known a month. I don't know who's told you it's not possible for someone to want you unconditionally but they're an asshat who doesn't deserve you. Nothing I've done since I met you has been anything but the bare minimum you should be expecting from someone you're dating."

"It's such a pain."

"Your allergy?" She nods. "No, it's not. It's not an inconvenience either. It's what makes you, you, and there's nothing wrong with that. All it needs is a little more pre planning when we go out. Looking at restaurants in the area and knowing in advance if they're safe bets or not. Having an allergy isn't what it used to be. Most places do allergy friendly menus now. We're taught about it all in uni for reasons like this. Please stop telling yourself you're not worth the extra time and care. Anyone who's not willing to do that for you isn't worth your time. You are. Promise?" She let out a slow breathe and nodded, stared at me for what felt like the longest 2 minutes of my entire life. I could see her brain ticking in her head. "What are you thinking about Jules?"

"You didn't kiss me."

"When?" He cheeks darkened and she tried to move out of my lap. "When I took you out?" A nod. I brought my hand up to her cheek slowly, pushing a stray piece of her fringe back behind her ear so I could wrap my fingers behind her neck. "Honestly, I'm terrified of kissing you." My thumb pulled along her bottom lip slowly. I could feel her breathing shake under my hold. She's perfect. I mean, I know she's not. She's a huge over thinker, seriously underestimates how brilliant she is, and she's definitely a little stubborn. But none of that is a problem to me. It's nothing a little bit of focus and thought wouldn't help me handle. I want to know everything there is to know about Juliette.


"Because I'm very aware once I start kissing you I won't be able to stop." She gasped slightly, making me smile so quickly I don't think she saw it. She pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth a little. So, fucking hot how nervous she is constantly.

"So don't." Her words were almost at a whisper. Barely breaking a soundwave enough for it to be audible.


"Don't stop." Slowly, her hands smoothed up, around my neck into the back of my hair. "Kiss me and don't stop."

"Is that a question or a demand baby?"

"Demand." Well, who was I to refuse a demand?

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