Chapter Fifteen

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She's a fucking psychopath. I knew the second it was Kelly and her friends at the till that something was going to be said but I honestly thought it was just going to be Kelly digging for gossip as always. But no, this was so much worse.

She'd sent Kelly in, knowing my attention would be away from Juliette and she could get to her. I don't even know what's been said right now but I know my girlfriend and I know, as much as she's trying to act like it was nothing, she's upset and that's not on.

I wrapped my arm around Teagan's skimpy little arm, tugging her away from the café before nosy people start digging into everyone else's business.

"Ow. Noah, that hurts."

"Good." I dropped her arm, practically throwing her back. "What the fuck did you say?"

"I didn't-"

"Drop the innocent act Teagan. I know you put all that together. Sending Kelly and the girls in, hiding out of the way so you could get to her. So, what was the point of it? Digging for information? Intimidate her?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Noah." I feel sick being this close to her. "I was just being friendly with the new girl in town. I haven't seen her before. You know I don't like people feeling left out. If she's moved here, we should be making her welcome." She took a small step forward. "Although, I don't think she's your type. She's pretty but she's a little too angelic for you. I bet she doesn't get down on her knees for you like I do."

"Did. Past tense. Not now, not future. Not happening." Teagan tried to reach her hand forward and I took a step back, knocking her hand away abruptly. "Not. Fucking. Happening. Tell me what you said."

"How about I tell you what I want to do with you instead?"

"Or you can tell me what the fuck you said to my girlfriend and I don't tell the town what you did to James." That made her stop. She looked up. "I'm not fucking stupid Teagan and I'm going to make this explicitly clear right now okay? I am not interested in having anything with you ever again. Ever. Me and you were done before Juliette moved to town. We were done the moment you touched James. Even more done when you got him arrested over something that belonged to you. You've ruined that guys life and I will not be allowing you to do the same. Keep away from Juliette, keep away from me, my friends, my family, the coffee shop and we won't have a problem, I'll keep your stupid little psycho secret. Got it?"

"But we-"

"There is no 'we' Teagan. Get it through your fucking head. Me and you are never going to be a thing again. I've wasted enough of my time on you so if you'll excuse me, I need to fix another one of your fucking mistakes."

I checked my watch as I walked back into the shop. We'd be closing in 15 minutes anyway but looking over at Juliette, I knew this wasn't right. Everyone's whispering, staring at her and she's pale. Staring at her screen with wet eyes and trying to scrape herself together. I know she thinks she's going to embarrass me if she breaks. She wouldn't. Teagan can be fucking brutal. I can guarantee whatever has been said was horrendous.

I sent Chris a quick text, telling him I was closing early and giving him a quick overview of Teagan came in and ambushed Jules. I'd give him details when I saw him next. Once I had them that is.

"CAN I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION PLEASE?" I climbed onto a chair, needing all eyes on me rather than Jules. "WE'RE CLOSING EARLY. IF YOU CAN GATHER YOUR THINGS. I'LL HAPPILY PUT YOUR DRINKS INTO TAKE OUT CUPS." I hadn't even finished my sentence when the shop began to filter over to me. I poured their drinks into cups, thanking them for understanding. A lot of them were asking what was going on to which I said there had been enough for everyone to gossip about for one day.

I looked over at Jules who was putting her things away quickly, probably wanting to vanish in the crowd. I grabbed her arm as she tried to pull past, tugged her back into the shop. I didn't say anything, just moved my hand down to hers, squeezing as I finally got Maureen out of the shop and locked the door, flipping the sign around.

"Bag down."

"I need t-"

"You need to put your bag down." I turned back to her slowly, pulling it off myself when she didn't follow instructions.

"Noah let me go."

"No." Why does she always do this? Fight herself feeling emotions. Why does she make herself feel like I don't want to help? Because I know that's what's going through her head. That I kept her back to tell her whatever shit Teagan said was true. She opened her mouth again, snapping it shut when I took her face in both hands. "What did she say? And don't give me the same bullshit she gave me about her welcoming you to town or whatever. I'm not stupid enough to believe that's what she said."

"She said you two were just arguing when you met me."

"Bull. She slept with my best friend and then planted coke in his work locker and got him arrested, told the police he was dealing and now he's behind bars for 15 years. We were over when I met you. We'd been over for 3 weeks. Nearly 2 months when I asked you out." Juliette looked down at the floor. "There's more isn't there?" She shook her head. "She insulted you right? Probably threatened you too knowing her." I pulled Juliette's head up until she looked at me.

"I told her she could have you. If she wanted you that bad I'm not going to stand in your way." My lungs hurt. They're being squeezed of every drop of oxygen they're supposed to hold. Juliette shakily put her hands on mine, tried to pull me off her but I wasn't having it. I kissed her, hard. Until I could feel her tears on my own cheek and then I kissed her harder until she stopped fighting it. Then and only then, I let one hand loop around her waist to pull her closer before letting her lips go.

"I would rather catch cholera, the plague, the Spanish Flu, and every single STD she's probably riddled with than be with anyone that isn't you Juliette. Especially Teagan. I'd rather scoop my eyes out with rusty spoons. Or have to step on Legos with every step of a 12-mile walk. I'd rather skin myself alive than ever let her within 12 feet of me." She looked up at me and I grabbed her hand, slowly turning us both around the café floor, music still playing over the speaker. "I'm all in J. Me and you. Nothing else. No one else. I don't want her. I don't want some famous actress, no fucking Playboy bunny, no one else. You are what I want. No one else would ever be you. No one else would ever be good enough. It's not even a competition."


"But nothing. I've warned her to stay away Jules. Told her I don't want her. Don't let her intimidate you. Please don't let her get in your pretty little head. Promise me you believe me. Because I am hopelessly falling in love with you Juliette and I don't want her to come in between us just because she's jealous."

"What did you just say?" She stared at me with wide open eyes.

"Promise me you believe that I don't want her."

"No. Not- Not that."

"That I told her I don't want her?"

"Noah." She groaned at me. Without dropping her hand, I pulled her flushed face back to me.

"I said I love you."

"You said you love me." She whispered and I nodded.

"I love you."

"You love me?"

"Sure do." Her lips tugged. "No one else matters to me Jules."

"I love you too." I grinned, letting go of her waist to spin her in a circle and pull her back to me.

"Glad we cleared that up. Now, help me close up so we can go home and I can get those fucking jeans off you."

"But they're comfy."

"Mhm. You know what's comfier? Not wearing pants and wearing your boyfriends hoodie."

"You brought your hoodie?"

"Of course, I brought my hoodie, you spanner. I like watching you walk around in my clothes." She chuckled. "Plus, it's so much easier to rail you if you're not wearing pants."

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