Chapter Twelve

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I'm on fire. He slams his lips into mine and the second he does I'm ignited. Like he covered me in gasoline, struck a match and tossed it at my feet. There was no slow build up, no gentle kiss that led to us stopping for a second and carrying on. No. It was hot and intense and all-consuming from the very first touch.

Noah pulled me further down his lap, looping one arm around my waist and pressing his fingertips so deep into my neck I couldn't think about anything else but this very moment. Not the second before, when his tongue was pressing between my lips, now whatever he's doing with his hand on my back as he moves it under my top. No. Just how it feels in that second.

A groan stirs in his throat when I tug slightly on his hair and if this is what I missed with him not kissing me last week. If it was going to be anything less than this, I'm so fucking glad I waited. Because this kiss. This kiss is shattering everything I ever believed about what a kiss should be. It's hot and intense and every single one of my senses is a light and being heightened more and more with every single second.

Noah pulls back for a second, panting as hi pulls his fingernails across my back. I can't breathe. I don't want to breath. I want his air to be my air and every cell in my body to be surviving because of his oxygen.

"You feel so fucking good Juliette." A quick kiss. Then another and he groans again. "Addictive." Another kiss and he has to stop. He has to stop or he's going to be able to feel what this is doing to me. I'm pressed so far down into his lap right now I'm almost certain he can feel the heat I'm putting out between my legs. He kisses my cheek, my jaw line. Up and up and up. Pulls my earlobe between his teeth until I shift my hips. "This is what I meant Juliette," He nuzzles his face behind my ear, biting down hard enough for my back to arch as I moaned. "I can't stop. I really don't want to stop."

"Don't." He did it again, biting down until I squeaked. Noah grunted at the noise, flipping me around until my back was into the sofa.

"It's not smart for you to tell me not to stop Jules."

"It is." He tips my head back with his nose, kissing his way down my throat, quickly unfastening each of the buttons on my pyjama shirt, undressing me down to the underwear I had underneath and I still didn't tell him to stop. His lips pressed into my skin over and over and over again. Kiss, bite, suck. Every time he did he looked up at me, waiting for me to say something that wasn't going to come. He underestimates just how much I've thought about him being here, like this. The words still don't leave when he reaches my hips. not when he loops his fingers around my panties, not when he's pulling them off and kissing up the inside of my leg.

They don't leave my mouth as his tongue caresses every inch of my folds. Not when he buries his fingers into me. Not when I'm screaming his name as I come. They aren't muttered when he lifts me up and carries me upstairs and lays me down in my bed.

"Do you have-" I nod, reach over to the drawers beside the bed, knowing I brought a few from home just in case. I slammed the drawer shut, holding it up for him. "You're so fucking hot Jules." I watched him undress slowly, teasing me with every movement.

His button up shirt is the first to go. Then his shirt. Pulled over his head so slowly, giving me every possible second to soak in the pick and mix of muscles across his body. I hadn't realized just how built Noah was. It wasn't excessive. Not to the point where you can tell he works too hard for it. It was that kind of body that looks natural. Naturally strong. Carved from marble. I get my first look at the tribal tattoo across half of his chest. I could sit for house and trace those lines. Commit them to memory.

"Are you checking me out?"

"You're giving me a strip tease, what else am I supposed to do?" He lets out a low chuckle, puts the very edge of the condom packet between his teeth and unbuttons his jeans. The zip. Drops them to the floor, quickly followed by his tight-fitting boxers and my good god, I'm screwed. Noah chuckles again, rubs his hand up and down himself slowly. "Holy fuck."

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