The Fight For The Fandoms

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Mrs. Golde really went all out for this thing, because she came up to me in the morning and said that she'd gotten me, Fiona, Delphine, Lucas, Walker, Brandon, Mitchell, and Jacqueline excused from the entire day to rehearse. Without wasting a moment, I told Fiona and Delphine. They went to find Brandon and Lucas, and I went to find Walker.

Perfectly, I bumped into Jacqueline and Celine bickering. Mitchell was nowhere to be found.

"Jacqueline!" I said, skidding to a stop. "Hi, Celine. Where's Mitchell?"

"Bathroom," Jacqueline said. "As I was saying- the Chamber of Secrets is not a chamber, it's a basement!"

"It is so not a basement! It's a chamber!" Celine said (A/N: this is based on a real argument I had with my best friend for a solid 20 minutes).

"It's a chamber in a basement, dumbass!"

Terrible time for Mitchell to be away with his bleeper button.

"Mrs. Golde got us excused from all our classes today so we can rehearse," I cut in.

Jacqueline smiled. "Oh, yeah! Where are we meeting up?"

"Mrs. Golde's class. Fiona and Delphine are getting Brandon and Lucas. Can you get Mitchell while I find Walker?"

Jacqueline nodded. I found Walker on his way to Shipping and told him what Mrs. Golde did. His face lit up, and we raced to Mrs. Golde's class. (Quite literally raced. I won.)

We had eight hours to do all kinds of rehearsals. Table readings. Improv, in case there was any scenario we weren't prepared for. Physical rehearsals. One-on-one for the pairs to make sure they were in sync.

Finally, at around two PM, we all separated and went to the bathrooms. There were a couple of girls who were very confused as to why Delphine was doing makeup for all of us and why we were out of uniform, but they got out quickly.

It was mostly the same as last time. Delphine actually managed to fix Fiona's shoulder-length mess of wavy blond hair, twist it into a sort of ponytail and pull out two strands at the front. I thought it was genius, because the end of the ponytail showed the few curls Fiona had in her wavy hair. Delphine also clipped back Jacqueline's hair, but also tugged out a curl at the front to "frame her face," she said. She brushed out my hair and did a twisty kind of half-up with a flower clip at the back. She braided back part of her hair and held it in place with a few pins, letting the rest of her curls run free.

The guys didn't differentiate much from last time. Although I could tell Lucas was putting just a bit more effort, because his hair shone with just a bit of gel. Gel. Lucas Crystalos, messy hair supreme, had gelled back his hair. I don't know why that bothered me so much. I could've sworn he lent some to Mitchell, too, because although his brown hair was always shiny, it seemed a little poofier. Walker looked like he had crossed his fingers and dumped his head in the sink, then dragged a brush through it and let it be. The only person who didn't look drastically different from last time was Brandon, who kept it simple with slightly damp and brushed hair.

It was two twenty now. We had forty minutes.

By three, the bell rang, and we had only just finished our dress rehearsal. Mrs. Golde told us we'd have to wait a bit to catch one of the busses to the main school building, so we did. I sat between Fiona and Jacqueline, trying not to shake. If this failed, it would be my fault. They were in this not because they wanted to, but because they were my friends.

If I failed, they failed with me.

The bus came around maybe twenty-five minutes later. We all piled in, taking advantage of the space. I plopped myself somewhere near the back at the window seat. Lucas looked like he wanted to sit next to me but then hesitated, glancing back, and sat directly behind me instead.

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