Oh, Wait, We Have School Now

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Year Three was a grind, as it turned out. They introduced Edit Making and Crossovers classes, so that was two completely new classes I had to deal with. Mrs. Golde, as I in fact had not noticed yesterday, was pregnant, so she didn't have the energy to stand up and give us her usual writing tips, instead just writing an assignment at the board along with a due date.

The weirdest thing kept happening. People kept coming up and introducing themselves to me. It was nothing short of awkward and just plain weird. After the third day of this, I finally asked my friends what they thought it meant. We were at lunch.

"Face it, Y/N," Jeveskia said. "You're famous. You're the victor of last year's reenactment, which, according to what they're doing this year and some old records I dug through, was one of the most intense events they've had in a while. And you lead the protest- what did you call it?"

"The Fight For The Fandoms," I told her, still not seeing the big idea.

"Exactly. They've recited your name in literally every fandom. You're kind of famous."

I blinked. I didn't realize trying to do the right thing would lead me to fame.

"But I didn't do it for the fame," I said.

"We know," Lucas said. "But they don't."

On the first day of the second week, Mrs. Golde gave us an assignment to write our friends in the Percy Jackson universe. The entire group gathered in recess with our laptops and tried to figure out how to do it. We decided on a paragraph for each friend, but even after that we quickly came to a halt.

"How am I supposed to do this?" Delphine groaned. "I can't describe you guys in a paragraph."

"You can try, but you definitely can't capture my aura," Rita said, her blue eyes twinkling.

It probably sounded egotistical, but Rita was a living, walking icon. She was really funny, and made so many backhanded comments about Janet, since she had past beef with her, too, that made me both satisfied and amused. I definitely couldn't make the person reading just understand her in a paragraph.

Fiona and Delphine's paragraphs were easy. So was Jacqueline's. Walker's took a little more effort, and Mitchell's even more, but I got through them. I drew a blank at Lucas's paragraph, though, because although I would say I knew him better than most people, I wasn't sure what he was to me. I ended up saying he's a close friend I knew and trusted, because it was all I really could say.

We had our first Edit Making lesson on the last day of week two. We learned how to do the white slash thing in edits, which actually turned out to be pretty easy. The teacher, Mrs. Mendoza, said that in the next class she'd be showing us different websites to download clips and how to judge which clip should be in an edit, which I thought was awesome.

People from all years continued to come up and tried to be friends with me. Only one really stuck out; this girl in Sea of Monsters year called Jasmine. She has the brightest pair of teal eyes I'd ever seen, with sleek, straight dark brown hair. She was absolutely tiny, and I was praying I wasn't that short last year.

Fiona finally shed some light on why everybody wanted to be friends with me; my friends got involved with everything I did. I'd met Mitchell and Jacqueline by chance in the reenactment, and they'd gotten to be in the Fight For The Fandoms. It still didn't make sense to me, because I was never going to remember all their names, and there were lots of people I considered my friends who didn't get involved in the stuff I did, but I didn't say anything and just shrugged.

I hung around the rehearsals for the shows. It was clear from day one that Fiona couldn't act, and the fact that she had to pretend to have a crush on Mitchell made things even worse.

Before I knew it, October had rolled around and we were filling out the forms so we could receive our costumes at the end of the month.

"I'm going trick-or-treating with Lucas," Delphine said. "We're gonna be Frank and Hazel."

"But you always go trick-or-treating with us," Fiona protested, putting the cap on her pen and pushing away the form. We were in homeroom.

"Yeah, I know, but I have a boyfriend now," Delphine said, though she sounded remorseful. "I mean, you could go with Brandon if you like, and... Y/N..." she trailed off.

I looked up. "Jacqueline offered me and Walker to watch movies with her and Mitchell on Halloween night. I said no, but maybe I'll take her up on that offer after all."

"Okay. I'll ask Brandon then," Fiona said hesitantly.

Both of them looked incredibly guilty, but I couldn't figure out why. If they wanted to go trick-or-treating with their guys, they could go trick-or-treating with their guys. I wasn't about to whine about it.

And it turned out maybe people wanting to be my friend wasn't so unrealistic after all, because both Lucas and, surprisingly, Rita were getting along really well with Walker. Rita had signed up to be an assistant director because she said she liked bossing people around, and they'd assigned her to the Harry Potter show, hence her working with Walker. Personally, I thought that was a duo not to be messed with, with both Walker and Rita being walking icons. I also had no idea what the heck it was that made Lucas and Walker talk so passionately about whenever Walker hung out with us, but I was just happy they weren't ripping each other's throats out. Not like either of rhem actually had it in them to do so, anyway.

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