He Knows

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Walker dropped his lunch tray on the table and slipped into the seat next to me. I usually sat with Fiona on my right, Lucas on my left, and Delphine on his left. Walker sat himself between Lucas and me, which was good, because I was getting really stressed about the whole deal with him and Delphine. I was also curious, though, because Walker mostly kept to his own group and didn't usually sit with mine.

"So, Jacqueline told me what's been going on," Walker said. I tried to ignore Lucas's frown at Walker's back as I glared at the ginger before me.

"She told you?! Why?"

"It's a redhead bond," he said, pointing to his hair. When I didn't return his smile, his face turned serious. "She thought I could help. I did pretty okay during the reenactment, and I did tell that blond guy that you needed his help when I couldn't help you, didn't I?"

"I guess," I grumbled. "Still, she had no right to tell you."

"And I understand that," he said gently. "Her intentions were good, I promise. You're having guy problems. I'm a guy."

"I'm not having guy problems."

He glanced behind him and lowered his voice. "You're friends with that blond guy, but your friend has a crush on him, and you don't want to upset either of them. And by the way that pink haired girl is looked at you, I'm guessing you're in some hot water with her, too." I glanced at Jeveskia, who averted her eyes just in time. Walker wasn't done. "And there's the Fight For The Fandoms."

"That's become the least of my problems," I said, realizing I hadn't even thought of it recently.

"Exactly. You need my help."

I looked into his deep brown eyes for a minute. He knew dudes. He and Lucas reminded me a lot of each other. Except Walker was way more bold. Lucas was shier. And his helping me with the Lucas problem might finally let me focus on making it up to Jeveskia...

"What can you do that'll erase my problems? I can't just make her not like him."

"You need to talk to him about it. You've talked to your best friend, the blond one. You've talked to both Jacqueline and Mitchell. You're talking to me now. You've talked to just about everyone but the person you should be talking to."

"Shouldn't I be talking to Delphine?"

"No. You talk to him. And before you ask, no, do not tell him she has a crush on him. Avoid that. Actually, he might know already. She's pretty obvious, even I know. And I'm, like, the blindest person ever."

"You think he knows?"

"Absolutely. Even I realized it from just a few minutes around your group. Absolutely nothing about her interactions with him screams 'just friends'."

"What do I say to him?" I asked slowly.

"Talk him up a bit, then bring up Delphine. See what he thinks of her. Then go tell Delphine. She'll think you're being her wingwoman."

"But I'm not."

"She doesn't have to know that."

I wanted to tell him I was tired of lying. I was tired of hiding everything. But I didn't. I shut my trap and nodded, thanking him. He hung with us for the rest of lunch.

After Double Fanfiction Writing, I caught up with Lucas before Delphine could.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure. You wanna take our usual route?"

"Sounds good."

We took our usual route around the school, talking and laughing like we usually did. Everything was- well, usual. Then, by the time we were in the second floor corridor, I brought up Delphine.

He stopped, turned to face me, and sighed- a big, disappointed sigh. "Before you say anything- I know."

"You know what?"

"I know she has a crush on me."

My stomach dropped. "You knew?"

"Yeah. And I knew you weren't being completely yourself around me because she's your friend."

"You're incredibly self-aware, aren't you?"

He laughed, then his expression turned serious. "I've known for a while. I didn't realize that second part until you pulled your hand back at your house. Every time we talk seriously like this you always come to hold my hand or give me a hug or something, and then you pull away. It's a little sad, actually. I thought you didn't care at first, then I connected the dots together."

I was silent. I didn't realize he overthought things as much as I did.

"So... what now?"

He shrugged and sighed again. "I guess you tell her you're being her wingwoman."

"But I don't want to!" It slipped out before I could stop it. I wanted to cover my mouth with my hands and run away, but this was Lucas. I could trust him. So I kept on going. And once I started, the words flowed out of me like water after a dam breaks (STILL A PERCY JACKSON FAN- BAM).

"I'm sick of lying, and I'm sick of hiding everything! I'm sick of going out of my way to make sure I'm being careful around the right people, I'm sick of trying to please everyone!"

I closed my eyes for a moment after I let that out, then I felt a weight around my shoulders.

Lucas was hugging me.

And I didn't mind it. I wrapped my arms back around him, burying my face in his shoulder.

And then he let go. I didn't know why- a hug for comfort normally lasted much longer than that- until I looked in the direction of the girls' bathroom.

There stood Delphine. Her eyes were red, and she was staring at me and Lucas.

And behind her was Janet Lee.

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