Chapter 15

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(Part 2)

Moonlight in the cave had been practically as bright as a lamp. Wren remembered how it had kept her awake for hours, unused to so much illumination. She missed it now, its glow got smothered down here before it could reach the floorboards of her room. Wren lay on her side in bed and strained her eyes to make out the familiar patterns of knots until she got frustrated. She'd nodded off earlier after Anise left and now she couldn't sleep.

Wren had been working on putting her room to rights, rearranging the things on her shelves to how she used to have them, but she either couldn't remember accurately enough or she was truly going mad. There was something about this room now that set her on edge.

With a deep sigh Wren got up and crept back to the window seat. She pushed the panes open and leaned out as far as she could, straining for the coolness of night air. Eyes closed, she thought she might even be willing to brave flying again if it meant she could get some wind on her face.

A few stars peeked through a gap in the branches above. She should have woken Hawk up in the middle of the night once when she was with him and asked him to take her somewhere to look at stars. Why had she forgotten the stars? How magical they would have been from the clifftop!

Thinking about Hawk at night didn't help her act cheerful for her family in the daytime. Wren wrenched the window panes shut again and huffed at herself impatiently. She didn't feel sleepy but she was very, very tired.


L.M. Montgomery would call this a "white night".


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