Chapter 8

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Hawk came back to the cave a few hours later, and Wren was still hoping she could disappear forever. Despite how she felt, however, it was getting harder and harder to ignore how badly she needed to leave the cave. She lay still and listened to the rustling sounds as he came in and sat on his own bed. The noises continued, so he must have brought back some sort of activity to do. Wren braced herself and then sat up, pulling the blanket just far enough back that only her face poked out. She glared at him.

"I think we're going to need some house rules," she said.

He was facing away and had to turn his head to look over at her. When their eyes met he actually smiled this time, she even saw his teeth for a moment before he turned back and ducked his head down.

"I'm pretty sure you were less mad at me when I first brought you here," he said. "You don't need to worry, you know, I'm not going to cross the line."

"You already did! And I'm not having it, Hawk. I need you to be staying far away from the line. Really far, okay? No more yearning looks or vaguely scandalous suggestions. As far as you're concerned I'm seventy-eight years old."

He was busy with whatever it was he had brought back, some wild nuts he was shelling maybe. She could only see part of his face.

"Are you going to stop blushing every time I touch you, then?" he asked

"I'm just scared of heights!" a jolt of panic brought out the stupidest lie she'd ever told. "It makes my face flush up! I'm betrothed!"

"You only blushed for Cobin when other people were around." he said scornfully, completely ignoring the painfully weak explanation she'd given.

"I'm serious, Hawk, you have to stop that right now or I'm living under these blankets forever. I won't speak to you anymore. You keep your thoughts inside your head where they belong."

"Okay, we'll never talk about this again. It's fine." He raised his hands and looked over at her again, his face still amused. "I do want to point out though that all I did was say something. You're acting like I attacked you."

Wren considered herself very justified in the way she reacted. It had felt like an attack. A reasonably respectful one perhaps, but an attack nonetheless. She tilted her chin up slightly and stood her ground.

"There's something else." She said stiffly

He turned more towards her and waited.

"Well? I'm listening."

She hated the timing of this.

"I need to go outside."

Instead of answering, he got up and stood ready for her at the cave mouth. After a moment of hesitation, she followed him, but kept the blanket wrapped around herself.

"Don't look at me." She commanded. He was looking ready to smile again.

"You're taking that with you?"

"Yes. Turn your head away." As if that made it better. His eyes might be intense but it was his hands that were the problem.

The blanket complicated things a little, but provided a layer of shielding. She was grateful for it when they finally arrived at the clifftop and she could hustle away to the stream and be alone again.


Okay listen, if you don't consider ramifications these two are really cute.


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