Chapter 19

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(Part 2)

"Hello, I've come to tell you lots of news because I know that's the sort of thing you live for these days." Clay said cheerily as she breezed into Wren's room.

It was warming up outside, and Clay brought a scent of freshness in with her. Wren was sitting by the window with a large pile of mending at her feet - her current source of income. She looked up with a smile.

"What, you're not bursting with impatience to hear me talk about my broken heart or how much I dislike Doctor Patrew?"

"I think going over those topics seventy times or so really solidified the details for me." Clay pulled a chair near Wren. "And like I said, I'm here to please you. You've been so patient with how often I wanted to listen to you talk about your hybrid boyfriend, even though I know all you actually wanted to think about was what our neighbours are up to."

"I really am an excellent friend." Wren agreed "I'm so glad you're finally ready for more important subjects, because I really have been concerned about all the news I've been missing out on - without you I only have both my parents, my sisters, their husbands, their kids, and everyone I work for to keep me informed, you know? I'm sure I must be extremely out of date by now."

Clay laughed. "That's a good point, but you don't mind if I talk to you about what I've been hearing, do you? I'm so full of things to say."

"Oh, don't get generous and thoughtful yet! I was having so much fun with the guilt trip."

"I'll take that as an agreement. Please shush and listen to this: Maribly is in love again."

"What? Didn't she just end things with Reed?"

"Yes! Barely a week ago! But the general store has a new employee, and he's handsome - and new in town, by the way; hardly anyone saw him at all before he started working there. You have no idea how startling it is to walk into that store and see a stranger behind the counter when you haven't heard even a whisper that someone just moved in. That's probably what did it for Maribly, actually."

"Oh, they found someone already? I was thinking about taking that job."

"Wait, actually? You'd have to talk to everyone in the village on a regular basis. Isn't that your worst nightmare?"

"Well, it didn't used to be. That's good money, more than I can make doing stuff like this. I figured I could put up with it if the price was right."

"What are you so desperate for money for that you'd sell your sanity? Are you really thinking about leaving the village? I thought that was a joke when you mentioned it before."

"Even if I don't go anywhere, I can't live with my parents forever. I need more money if I want to change anything about my living situation."

"You could still get married. Wren, you're barely nineteen. It's too soon to start thinking like a spinster."

"As if any of the boys we know would be interested in me now that I'm the local freak."

"It's not as bad as that yet, and besides, it's only been one winter. Give it another year and they'll start noticing how pretty you are again."

Wren thought rebelliously that any boy who'd ignore her when her reputation was on the rocks was not welcome to come sniffing around again after it had healed, but she let the moment pass and Clay turned the subject back to Maribly.

"She's telling everyone about it again, too, so now everybody knows that poor Reed is completely set aside. She's definitely not the only one who's noticed this new guy though, he might as well have a target painted on his back. We always go absolutely mad over a newcomer."

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