Chapter 21

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(Part 3)

After dinner, Hawk turned to her with a smile lurking at the corners of his mouth.

"It's been so warm out lately, don't you think it'd be nice to go for a walk before it gets too dark?"

How bold! They hadn't planned this ahead of time like the rest of the visit. Wren was surprised into a blush. Most boys didn't dare to try and be alone with a girl so quickly, let alone saying it right in front of her parents.

"I'd like some time outside." She said, turning to her parents in silent query.

"That's a wonderful idea, you both go right ahead. Dad and I will finish the dishes. Wren, you'd better put on some shoes, it rained yesterday." Her mother was practically shooing her out of the kitchen.

"You're so shameless." She whispered to Hawk when they were outside.

"What, is it scandalous to go for a walk too? Don't you people have anything better to do than make up random etiquette rules?" He was genuinely confused, but he grinned back at her.

"It's the being alone part. No one is thinking you just like being outside."

"I do though, actually. I didn't expect houses to feel so cramped."

"Mm, so you were innocently trying to get out of an uncomfortable situation. You're so misunderstood."

"My intentions are very pure." He asserted. "Hey, do you think there's a way we could get you into my apartment without anyone seeing?"

Wren was going to get whiplash at this rate. She pressed a hand to her chest dramatically.

"Now you're just trying to shock me."

"You don't want to?"

He had that twinkle in his eye. Had he had this in mind the whole time? Wren's blush grew hotter. It was ridiculous to be this flustered when they'd already been meeting privately for weeks. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"The stairs are at the back..." She reasoned, "I could probably circle around from the other street."

He stopped walking.

"Then let's say goodbye here, where that old lady watching from her window can see."

"It was nice tonight. I like seeing you get along with my family."

"Don't actually say goodbye! I'm going to see you again in a few minutes, right?"

She smiled.

"Have a nice walk."

"Hey, I'll see you soon, right?"

Wren suppressed a giggle and turned around without answering. She walked quickly back the way they'd come, feet light on the earthen road. Reaching her own house, she walked around it as if to go in the back way and then ran through several neighbour's yards.

Since his return, Hawk had looked to Wren for guidance as he settled into the village. She had given advice that, at the beginning at least, had helped him create a good impression and set him up for the best kind of life they had to offer. Now however, her own wants had gotten all mixed up into it too. He accepted her plans for their public courtship just as readily as anything else she'd suggested to him, and Wren was feeling a growing sense of guilt over it. Wasn't it taking advantage, to get her hooks into him like this when he relied on her so much? How could she dare to act like she knew what was good for him when she didn't know what was good for herself? She knew what she wanted, that was all.

Things were getting away from her. Their relationship progressed quickly, publicly now as well as privately. She couldn't stop all of it at this point even if she tried, but shouldn't she try? Didn't Hawk need more than she was able to give alone? Wasn't she more of a distraction than a help?

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