Chapter 59

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39 weeks(9 months pregnant)
Surprisingly in my last month of pregnancy I been a bit moody lately.....
I mean come on pregnancy is hard carrying a human being for 9 months is exhausting so I had the right to be moody..... right......?
As it was the middle of the night we were both sleeping I just woke up annoyed just hearing Miguel  snoring... the anger I just felt for some reason.... I just kicked him so hard that he woke up and I just closed my eyes pretending to be asleep..... Miguel just sat up and just looked at me but he just got up and went to the restroom...
Later the day
I was just up making a cup of coffee for Miguel and tea for me
As Miguel just walked in as he looked like he was in pain...
" what's wrong?" I asked
" my leg really hurt" he said
" oh I hope the pain goes away" I said
" yeah" he said as he sat down as I gave him a cup of coffee
" don't forget today we have a appointment" I said
" a appointment for what?" He asked
" to check what's going on I'm a week late from my due date" I said
" oh" he said as he took a sip of his coffee
After having breakfast I just went upstairs and just got ready I just put on a tank top and some black leggings
" you ready to go?" Miguel asked
" yeah" I said grabbing my bag
As Miguel just kept looking at me
" you sure you don't want to wear something more comfortable?" He asked
Is he really testing me....?
I just gave him a glare
" no I feel comfortable wearing this is their a problem?" I said tilting my head
" I just think is showing...." he said the anger I just felt
" but it's fine" he said
" who are you to tell me what to do?" I said
" I'm the one carrying your baby so I have the right to wear what the hell I want okay?" I said as I just walked out
" whatever she's says" he said as he walked as well...
As the car ride was just very quiet we arrived to the doctors as we were just waiting for the doctors to come I was just sitting there as Miguel was behind just looking around as he was just tapping in the bed
" are you nervous?" I asked
" no no why?" He asked
" cause you been quiet since the drive" I said
" you just scared me earlier..." he softly said
As I looked at him
" what?" I said
" you just scared me how mad you were" he said
" oh..." I said
" well I am sorry I never felt so uncomfortable that I just want her to come out" I said
" yeah but..."
" but what?" I said cutting him off
" I been carrying your baby for 9 months already alright..." I said as he just kept looking at me
" don't give me that look you did this to me so you get to deal with my anger issues you understand?"I said tilting my head
"Alright then" he said
" good" I said as the doctors just walked in
" a week late y/n must feel uncomfortable?" She asked
" just a tad" I said as Miguel just looked at me
" is there anything we can do?" I asked
" there are some things you could do which is taking longs walks, eating spicy foods.... and there's one that works the most...... sex" she said
Well that took a turn I just looked at Miguel as he just looked at me
" you got to be kidding me...." he said as the doctors just walked out...
" you heard her Miguel..." I said
" after what happen earlier..." he said
" what you know it just my hormones acting up okay" I said
" I'm talking about the kick you gave me in the middle of night.." He said
" that what a accident" I said
" yeah sure" he said as he just helped me down as I just grabbed my bag as we left....
After the appointment  we just took a really long walk and went back home and Miguel just giving me some spicy food as we were just sitting in the living room as he just made me eat these spicy peppers as well I just took a bite and didn't felt anything
" still nothing" I said
"Just keep having more it has to work" he said
" we tried everything and still nothing" I said as I just looked at him
"You know just looking at you it's getting me a little turn on..." I said
As he looked at me
" not going to work y/n.." he said
" why don't you want to do it?" I said
" it's probably the last option we have left I am miserable here..." I said
As he just sat there just quietly
" okay then giving me the silent treatment I see" I said
" how In earth will you annoyed me Miguel?"
" oh I know your snoring" I said
" you think the damn spicy pepper was going to clear up your sinuses but no!" As Miguel just shut me up as he just pulled me into a kiss...
" what are you doing?" I said
" IM GETTING THAT BABY OUT OF YOU!" He shouted as he kept kissing me
I just let out a small gasped..... as I felt something dripping down my leg....
" Miguel...." I said as he just stop and looked at me...
" I think my water just broke...." I said feeling  all shocked...
Miguel eyes grew big
As he just let out a nervous chuckled...
As he thought I was joking as he just looked at me right into my eyes and notice the fear I had..... he just stood up as he helped me up as he got the bag and the car keys as he just stop and looked at me as he grabbed my hand
" this is really happening Miguel?" I said
" we're going to have a baby.." I said letting out a nervous chuckled as he just gave me a smile as he pulled me into a kiss...
" let's go have a baby..." he said smiling as I let out a other nervous chuckled
Wow this is happening......holy shit I'm going to have a baby....

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