Chapter 145

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The next day
I woke up in a empty bed like usual... I looked at the window seeing the sunlight hit my face...I just felt that I didn't wanted to get out of bed... I just wanted to stay here and just looked out the window..... but I couldn't... I just grabbed Miguel shirt from the floor and putting on some pair of shorts and walking out the room and going to gabbi room and walked towards her bed removing her blanket not seeing her there....
" Gabriella?" I said feeling myself panic
I just went downstairs and hope to see her and Miguel downstairs but nothing....
I felt myself just panic feeling my vision just getting blurry till I saw the front door open and seeing Miguel walk in having Gabriella in his arms...
" oh thank goodness..." I said letting out a sigh of relief
" hey what's wrong?" He asked
" nothing." I said just taking deep breath...
"Where did you two go?" I asked
" just took her to the park" he said
" that early?" I said
" it's 11am.." he said
I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11...
" did I over slept..." i whispered
" well I did let you sleep and took care of everything..." he said putting Gabriella down...
"You deserved a small break at least..." he said as he smiled and then gave me a kiss on the cheek...
" thank you..." I said smiling at him..
" your welcome." He said
" so how was the park?" I asked
" it was good.." he said
" had fun taking gabbi for once and spending more time with her." He said having the biggest smile
" well that's good" I said
" yeah it was wonderful I am so glad I got spend more time with her... I am really glad I took a day off and do this..." he said
I was glad to see Miguel happy actually having a big smile on his face...... after the whole day I was just fixing some things in the kitchen while Gabriella and Miguel were both in the living room the whole time I just heard laughter from the both of them which warmed my heart up making me smile while I clean.. after a few minutes it was quiet so I walked in the living room seeing the both of them asleep... I let out a small awe and then put a blanket over them and gave a kiss on Gabriella head and one on Miguel cheek and just went upstairs and just let them sleep there for the night.. which meant I had the bed to myself and probably had some time to take a relaxing bubble bath... which I did and yeah that was my night for today very glad that my soon to be husband got to spend more time with are daughter instead of being stuck in that office doing whatever he does.....

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