The House of Memories

138 16 48

TW: f slur and suicidal thoughts.

Please listen to Youth by Daughter, and as always, enjoy.

...or at least try to :)

Scott's Perspective-

I took a deep breath as me and Rick walked up to the Little-Wood's house.

He knocked on the door and Martyn's mother opened the door.


"Welcome Scott! Martyn's told us so much about you." Martyn's mother said, opening the door for me.

"I got it mom! No need to open the door." Martyn said, running downstairs.

"Oh, okay! I'll leave you two too it then!" She said, smiling as she walked away.

Martyn sighed, "Sorry about that, love."

I blushed.

"I mean! I didn't- that's what I call my mom and it- I just- "

"It's okay, Martyn." I said, giggling.

I walked in and kissed his cheek.

"I liked it."


I sat down uncomfortably as Martyn's mother gave me a cup of tea.

"It's lovely to see you again, Scott."

"Is it?" I asked, trying not to sound awkward.

"So you came here about Martyn I presume?" She asked, taking a sip of tea.

"Yeah. I...came for that."

"You seem to be taking his death really well." Rick pointed out.

Martyn's mother lowered her cup and sighed, "I'm not. I just try to seem that way around people."

"It's okay to let it out and be sad."

She smiled, "Thank you."

Rick nodded, "Pleasure."

Cooper, Martyn's older brother then walked in.

He looked around and scoffed.

"What, you're just inviting Martyn's ex-boyfriend here? He broke his heart!" Cooper shouted.

Despite Cooper normally being a bitch to all of us, he stood up for Martyn.

He didn't always show it, but he loved his brother.

"That is in the past, dear. Now please, be nice to Martyn's friends. They're just as devastated about Martyn's death as you are."

Cooper shot me and Rick a look and then turned around and left again.

His mother sighed.

"I'm sorry about that." She said.

"Not your fault." Rick said.

"So...are we allowed to go up to his room?" I asked.

She nodded, "Of course, but...well you might not want to."

"Why is that?"

"It...when I went up there, I was flooded with memories, and it was too much for me. It might be the same for you, Scott. I remember Martyn being heartbroken when he broke up with you. When I asked him why, he just told me he had to."

I nodded, "Thank you, but...I do want to go up there."


I took a deep breath and Rick patted my back.

"Want me to open the door?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I wanna do this."

I reached for the handle, but it was a mistake.

I felt rushed with a wave of depression that was so strong I almost fell.

I blinked, trying to regain my consciousness, but I couldn't do it.

I couldn't do anything.

It was all my fault he died.

Everything was my fault.

I can't do anything right.

No one will miss me if I die.

The only person who loved me killed himself because of how much of a bitch I am.

That's all I am.

A bitch.

I just want to die.

I can't do this.

I can't do anything right.

I'm just a failure.

"Scott? Scott!" Rick kept snapping in my face.

I was hyperventilating, looking around.

Nothing mattered anymore.

I shook my head and dashed outside.


"Hey Scott." Martyn's mother said, joining me outside on her porch swing.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes.

"Hi." I said shakily.

"Oh, come here." She said, hugging me.

"Don't you h-hate me?" I asked.

"Why would I hate you?"

"I broke your son's h-heart!"

"You didn't break up with him, and I know that time hurt you both."

We broke apart and she smiled at me.

"You are so strong and brave, Scott."

"No, I'm not. Everyone knows that. I'm that dumb fag who can't stand up for themselves. Not even my parents have time for me."

"I know your mother, I know she loves you."

"Not really, and all my father does is work."

"Scott, you are loved, you are brave, and you are strong. Just being able to walk into this house is proving that."

"But I couldn't. I struggled and I keep getting flashbacks and I just- I can't keep going on. There's no point."

"Scott, you have made it so far in life, and I know you can keep going. You have all your friends standing here and supporting you, so many people loving you. And so many people being proud of you for just surviving another day. You can do this Scott, I know you can."

I looked up at her and she smiled softly.

"Thank you." I whispered.

She nodded and hugged me again.

We sat there for a couple of minutes, swinging back and fourth in silence and eventually she got up to check on her son Cooper.

I sat there, looking down, when Rick walked out.

"Welp, we ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Oh, and by the way, can you send me Grian's number?"

"Er- sure. Why?"

"I wanna ask him if he has anything to do with this." Rick said as he took out a white mask that had a purple eye on it.

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