The New, Old Life

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Grian's Perspective-

I fell onto the floor after going through the portal and quickly turned around.

"Have fun!" The main Watcher smiled as he snapped.

"NO!" I shouted, jumping, trying to get through the portal, but it disappeared and I fell onto the floor.

I was stuck here.

I groaned and got up.

"Grian, dear! Is everything alright?" My mother called.

"Uh- y-yeah!" I stuttered, picking myself up.

"Well finish unpacking! Remember, you're going to school tomorrow!"


I turned around and saw my suitcase.

"Wait uh- how much school did I miss?" I asked.

My mother raised an eyebrow.

"You shouldn't've missed any because you were catching up on the school computer. But we were gone for three weeks."

"Only three weeks...?"

Maybe time moves slower here and it's not parallel with my dimension.

"Yeah. We left because your aunt died."

"Oh...I guess I was just so upset it felt like longer."

"Oh sweetie, I am upset too, but there's nothing we can do about it."

I nodded.

"Now go unpack."

"Okay. What about Pearl?"

My mother blinked, "Who's Pearl?"

"Oh uh- no one, sorry. I just had a dream with a girl named Pearl."

My mother looked concerned but shrugged and I walked upstairs to my room.

I sighed as I closed the door.

That's right, Pearl's not here.

I looked at my suitcase and started unpacking my stuff.

I hummed to a Harry Styles song and my father walked in.

"I didn't know you liked that song. I thought you preferred Queen."

"I uh- I mean Harry Styles is cool I guess." I muttered.

My father raised an eyebrow, "You alright, Grian?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"Okay. Oh, and didn't you say you wanted to see Cooper today?"

My eyes widened, and I felt my heart stop.


"Yeah! You know...your boyfriend? The one you've been dating for about a year now?"


I trailed off and my father said, "Why don't you call him?"


I checked my phone and saw the wallpaper was me and Cooper together.

I tried my best not to scream, but it was hard.

You see,

Cooper is my ex.

Well, at least in my home dimension he was.

I dated him back in 9th grade and he was...dishonest to say the least.

I thought he was wonderful, but the longer our relationship lasted, the worse it seemed.

And then he broke up with me in the worst way possible. He just texted me and when we met up to talk about it, he just said that I was kind of being a bitch. It destroyed me. And it spun me into terrible relapsing and Mumbo and Scar were really helpful and kind to me then. But the two people that helped me the most were Pearl and Jimmy.

Pearl never left my side at night for a couple of months, and Jimmy always fought back with Cooper's friends who would bully me.

He also always let me rant to him and he would give me some advice. I know it doesn't always seem like it, but Jimmy is the bestest of friends that I've ever had, and I've been such a bitch to him just ignoring him and throwing him away.

But it doesn't seem like I can do anything about it now that I'm here.

I finished unpacking my things and heard my mother call me downstairs.

I walked down and saw my mother talking cheerfully to Cooper.

He saw me and nodded, which sent chills down my spine.

I knew I had to be with him in this dimension, but it was torture.

"You alright, babe?" He asked me, and I realized that I was death staring him.

"Uh- yeah! Just tired..." I said, putting on a smile.

He raised an eyebrow and my mother said that I was just really sad about my aunt dying.

"Aw, you'll get over it, babe." Cooper said, wrapping his arm around me.

I tried my best to smile up at him, but it faltered the second I saw his face.

Oh my cod. I don't know how I did this for so long.

Cooper then kissed my forehead.

"You got this."

Stop acting like you care you literally dumped me and started dating another guy the next week. You're just a player.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Grian? Are you sure everything's alright?" My mother asked, catching my eye.

I nodded.

"Yeah...everything will be."

My mother smiled, "It will, especially since your boyfriend is here now!" she gushed.

I nodded again and Cooper narrowed his eyes.

"Come on babe, let's drive and get some slushies at 7-11."

"Oh, sure!"

Cooper dragged me out and when I sat in his car, I got flooded with memories.

I hated all of them.

All those times he controlled me and made me make out with him, memories of us driving around town, just to look at everything, and memories of him arguing with me.

I took a deep breath.

I got this. Just...deep breath Grian. Maybe this dimension is different. Maybe he's actually nice here.

"Babe, is there something you want to tell me?"

I blinked.

That was not what I was expecting.

"Uh- no, everything's okay."

"Oh, really?"


Cooper narrowed his eyes and started to drive to 7-11.

I realized why he was being nice.

He was acting.

Because once we got there, he told me about how he heard I confessed to Scar and Mumbo and got rejected and he said that I was a cheater and a bitch and left me there.

I blinked.

Did that really just- ugh, I can't deal with all of this today.

I walked back home, which was a far walk, and crashed onto my bed, wishing that I could go back home.

Please. I can't do this.

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