Trapped Inside, Laced With Lies

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Kisha's Perspective-

"So I just...touch it?" I asked.

Mumbo nodded.

I quickly hugged him.

"I'll try and bring back Grian." I said.

"No," He said, looking at me, "You will bring back Grian."

I nodded, tears in my eyes, and reached for the letter.

The next thing I know, I'm in a huge black room.

A guy with a black outfit and a white mask that had a purple eye on it looked at me.

"What are you- oh Yara must've sent you. I forgot I put her in your dimension."

My eyes widened, "What is this place?"

The main Watcher smiled.

"Welcome, Kisha. I am a Watcher, and becoming a Watcher can help grant all you hopes and dreams. I've helped countless people. And this place is like a family. A supporting family where everyone cares for each other."

Yeah right. I thought, but a part of it seemed...appealing.

"I know your world doesn't have as many supportive people. Your family, for example. I mean, look at how they've treated you."

He pulled up some of my memories and started playing them.

I looked down and he smiled.

"But we can help you!"

A giant purple eye appeared, staring right at me.

I gulped, "Isn't that a bit...terrifying?"

"Come on, Kisha. Don't you want to have people who will finally care for you? Your friends threw you away. Mumbo doesn't care for you. Just his boyfriends."

I nodded, " has been hard ever since Grian disappeared. He's been worried sick."

"And has he asked about you?"

I shook my head.

Despite me lying, part of it was true.

Ever since he got with his boyfriends, he kind of just...forgot me.

I still sat with them, but he seemed different.

And I still don't know if that difference is in a good way.

"But I know people that will."

I reached my hand out and he kept talking as the purple light formed into ropes and started to pull me in.

"I know people that will care about you, that won't forget you, that'll care. And it's all with one...simple...snap." He snapped his fingers and ropes appeared on my arms and legs, pulling me in.


"So you're the new girl?"

I opened my eyes and saw another Watcher in front of me.

"Oh, yeah." I muttered.

"Dang. What dimension you from? How'd you get sucked in?"

"It's a long story. But this honestly sounds pretty cool."

The guy blinked.

"Well, you're wrong."

My eyes widened.

I was not expecting that.

"I- what?"

"I'm right. I've seen what's been going on. I know the truth. It all seems nice until you have to pin your friend to the ground while the main Watcher erases his home. That's too far."


The guy nodded, "Yep."


"But there's no way out."

I looked at him.

He seemed trustworthy and that he would be willing to help me.

"Hey uh...what's your name?"


"Do you think you could help me?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm listening." He said.


"Alright, I saw where Grian was sent so I can send you there. But the main Watcher will be wondering where you are."

"Yeah, it's fine." I said.

"He'll know where you are after a while, so be quick."

"I should be. Just in and out."

Leo shrugged, "Okay. Most you can take is a day. He has so many Watchers, you might get lucky and he'll forget about you. But don't be too careful."

"And can I make portals?" I asked and Leo shook his head.

"You don't have enough power too yet, so I'll make them. Your purple eye thing is what binds you to the main Watcher and to others. Just double tap it, say Leo, and it should make my purple eye flash. I'll then make a portal through here and another to your home. But remember, move fast."

I nodded.

He created a portal, and I looked through it.

"Do I just...hop in?" I asked, a bit weary.

He nodded.

"There may or may not already be a Kisha there. If there is, you'll start glitching when you see them, meaning that you'll have to move even faster and quieter since there's potentially a Kisha that would spot you and make everything worse."

"Got it."

I then hopped in and landed in what looked to be outside a 7-11.

I looked around and guy drinking a slushie walked out and ran into me.

"Oh, sorry." I said.

"It's alright." He said, "It happens."

My eyes widened as I saw him.

My best friend,

Mumbo Jumbo.

But...this wasn't the Mumbo I know. He would never get a slushie from 7-11. Well, maybe if Scar and I forced him too, but that would be it.

"What?" He asked.

"Uh- nothing. Tell me, do you happen to know Grian?"

The guy raised an eyebrow, "Er- yeah...? Why?"

"Do you know where he lives?"

"Why would I tell a random girl I just met today where Grian lives?"

"Look, I have to do a project with him, and we forgot to exchange numbers's a whole thing." I said.

Mumbo hummed, "I'll text him and ask. What's your name?"

"You know what? It's fine, I'll find it on my own."

"Hey! I was going to help you!"

"Don't worry about it. Do you at least have Grian's number so I can text him?"

"I just- sure."

I took out my phone and he airdropped it to me before leaving.

I quickly called Grian, who I was anxious wouldn't pick up.

I know Grian normally ignores phone calls from numbers he doesn't recognize, but...well maybe right now he's different. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The phone rang once.


Three times.

Come on, Grian!!


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