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Please listen to 'Not Gone' by Ingrid Michaelson and enjoy!

Scar's Perspective-

One Month Later-

"Hey Scar." Mumbo smiled, kissing my cheek as he walked into my home.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk actually." I said and Mumbo blinked.

"Oh, sure!"

We walked outside and Mumbo held my hand.

"It's okay, Scar." He said quietly.

I shook my head.

"No, it's not. I can't do this."

"Grian sacrificed himself so we could be safe."

I started to tear up and Mumbo kissed my cheek, hugging me.

Despite it being a month, I still wasn't over Grian.

The past month has just made me realize how much I love him and how he's never coming back.

No matter what I do.

"I just can't stop missing him." I cried, "He's gone forever."

"I know," Mumbo whispered, sounding on the verge of tears as well, "I know exactly how you're feeling."

"I know he did this for us, but did he have to? I wish he could come back, I wish he was still with us. I wish I was the one who died."

"Scar, no! I can't go on without you or Grian. Whichever one of you died, it would be heartbreaking."

"It's okay, you can tell me the truth that you don't love me."

Mumbo looked as though he was about to smack me.

"You idiot, of course I love you, and I will never stop loving you or Grian."

Mumbo kissed me and I held him close, kissing back.

As we broke apart, we hugged once again.

"Grian will never leave us." Mumbo said, "He'll always be a part of us."

Scott's Perspective-

I rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer the door.

Jimmy's mother opened the door and smiled nervously.

"Where's Jimmy?" I asked.

"He's upstairs." She said, "His sister's talking to him."

I nodded and walked up.

I knocked on Jimmy's door and I heard him crying.

"Sunflower, please open the door." I said softly, a bit concerned.

Lizzie opened it for me, and I thanked her before walking over and sitting next to Jimmy.

"I'm sorry, Petal." Jimmy sniffed, leaning on my shoulder.

"It's okay. I know how hard this has hit you. I just thought maybe today getting outside and walking around."

"Yeah Jim, get up and walk around with your boyfriend. It'll make you feel a lot better." Lizzie said.

Jimmy groaned, "No."

Lizzie sighed, "Gimme a sec, Scott. Mind waiting outside?"

I nodded and she shut the door.

"Alright, up you get!" She said, and Jimmy screamed as it sounded like she dragged him out of his bed.

I giggled and shook my head as I waited for Jimmy.

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