Time To Move On

121 13 47

Please listen to Men of Snow by Ingrid Michaelson.

Rick's Perspective-

Martyn immediately broke apart and I realized that we were teleported into the black room.

"Wha- where are we?" Martyn asked.

I looked up at the main Watcher, who was sighing and shaking his head.

He flew down to me.

"Ahh, Rick. Just couldn't keep it in, could you? Your heart took over." He then cackled, "That was the stupidest thing ever."

I death stared him.

"What?" He asked, "Go ahead, get it out! Say whatever you like before I erase their dimension and kill you."

I took a deep breath before punching him in the face.

The main Watcher just smiled like I caused him 0 pain.

"I gave you a family. Your dad and mom weren't always the best to you. Your dad was better than your mom, but not by much."

I watched him furiously as he flew back down.

"Oh but come on, this moment was going to come. So go ahead, say what you want before you die."

I sighed and looked down.

"Can I just see one last memory?" I whispered.

The main Watcher looked me up and down.

He then sighed.

"Which one?" He asked, snapping.

I saw him start to scroll through my memories, looking bored.

"The same one I always see." I said.

"Oh come on, don't you want something else?" He asked, smirking.

"Stop acting like you're a joking father."

The main Watcher rolled his eyes and snapped.

I took a deep breath and smiled as I was brought back to my favorite memory of me and Martyn.

I felt myself getting placed in the familiar grass outside of my dad's house.

I smiled and opened up my eyes to see the stary night sky.

I put my hands behind my head and looked up at it.


I looked up, though I didn't need to look to know who it was.

Martyn sat down next to me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Have you ever wished for something that you know you'll never have?" I suddenly asked, looking up at Martyn.

"All the time."

I looked down and Martyn frowned.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I...just keep wishing that my mom and dad'll make up, though I know that's never going to happen."

Martyn smiled softly, "It's okay. I mean, you got me and everyone else. Like Scott and Jimmy. You know, us."

I smiled weakly, "Yeah, I guess."

I then sighed, "But don't you think it's bad to wish things? It's like telling yourself you don't have all of these things and you're failing."

"Not really. I mean...I think of it as looking at goals. And wishing is never a bad thing. Maybe it'll come true. And anyway, when we wish for something, we're really wishing we were someone else. Or we're wishing something didn't happen. And that's never going to happen. You just have to realize that there's only one life, and we have to try and be happy with it. And if we're not, then we have to change things to make it so we're happy with it."

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