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3rd POV

It has already been a week since LeeHan saw this guy who sparked his curiosity so much, and he had started to kinda forget about his search for him. Maybe he went to another school and was just there for some business, maybe he was someone's brother that had already graduated; the point is, LeeHan had stop thinking about him or trying to find him.

Riwoo:- Hey, it's been a while since I've heard you talk about that guy, have you seen him again? -

Well, at least LeeHan tried, his friends weren't of much help to the cause.

LeeHan:- Nah, I haven't seen him again, I think he might be a student from another school that just had something to do here. -

Riwoo:- Could be, or maybe he just hasn't crossed your eyesight again yet -

LeeHan:- That could also be -

Riwoo and LeeHan were in their lunch break, on their way to sit outside because they had already finished their lunch, and the weather was great. It was only them two because Sungho had caught the flu and had been out sick the past 2 days.

Riwoo:- Let's go sit on the benches near the field -

LeeHan:- Sure -

They made their way to the top of the bleachers and sat down to talk for a bit before the break was over.

LeeHan:- Have you asked Sungho how he's doing? -

Riwoo:- Yeah, I texted him earlier and he said that he's doing better, still with some fever but nothing out of this world. -

LeeHan:- Good, I'll text him later to check up on him. -

As they were chatting, a group of three boys walked by in front of them, two of them being really really noisy and the other one looking like he wanted the earth to swallow him.

LeeHan took a close look to the guy in the center, the quiet one, it was him! The guy he had seen a week ago, that he thought was sooo handsome.

LeeHan:- Hey Riwoo! - he hit the other's shoulder enthusiastically That's him! The one in the middle!  -

Riwoo:- That guy? - he said looking in the direction LeeHan was pointing at - Oh, that's Han Taesan, and those are his friends Jaehyun and Woonhak. I get why you think he's handsome, he's known as the handsomest nerd from our grade.

LeeHan:- Han Taesan... so he's a nerd? -

Riwoo:- Kinda yeah, from what I've heard he's really smart, but he's still some people know him it's not like he's really unknown nerdy nerd -

LeeHan:- Got it, but from where did you get that info? -

Riwoo:- I've had people come up to me and talk to me about that friend group, mostly Jaehyun and Woonhak tho, because they're really loud extroverts -

LeeHan:-  Mhm, makes sense, I could totally tell -

Riwoo:- Oh, and they're also known for being one of the first openly gay couples in our school. -

LeeHan:- Oooh, so they're together, that makes so much sense why they seemed all lovey dovey even with Taesan in between them -

Riwoo:- Yeah, they're the definition of PDA -

LeeHan:- Do you know anything else about Taesan, or? -

Riwoo:- Not really, they say he's pretty quiet, he's an introvert, but when he's comfortable he can be really loud too, and he's also said to be a sweet person. -

LeeHan:- Makes sense why it seemed like he wanted the earth to swallow him earlier, but do so many people actually come up to you to talk about other random people? -

Riwoo:- Yeah, I guess being friends with you made me automatically well-known so now I have randos come up to me to talk about randos -

LeeHan:- You've become Mr. 1000 friendships -

Riwoo:- Kinda yeah, hahaha. But you know what? I'm surprised you're interested in being friends with Taesan, he doesn't really seem like a guy you'd befriend -

LeeHan:h Yeah, I wouldn't have expected it either. -

What Riwoo didn't know is that LeeHan's interest in Taesan went a little over just wanting to be his friend. Well, neither did LeeHan know really, at the end of the day he was well-known for pulling guys but always rejecting them because he was straight, or was he?

A little summary of how having feelings for someone works according to me so y'all can get an idea of how this story's going:

Attraction: As the word says it you find the person attractive, they call your attention in a different way others do, you probably don't know this person really well but feel the potential of there being something in the future, you wouldn't mind dating them.
Crush: You've started to get to know this person, and the attraction has developed to actual feelings but they're not that strong, you still feel like you need to know this person better to know if it's gonna work but you want it to work.
Liking: You've developed stronger feelings towards this person, you've probably gotten to know them better too and you're really really liking the idea of dating them, you really want this to work out.
Loving: You've spent over 3 months liking this person, you imagine a future with them, you feel like they're an essential part of your life now, losing them would be absolute hell.

Rn in the story what LeeHan is feeling is attraction, since he has only seen Taesan twice and only knows how others perceive him.

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