
436 24 1

3rd POV

Woonhak:- Why won't you tell us already? -

Taesan:- I told you, when we get to Jaehyun's house. -

Woonhak:- Why are you making us wait so much? -

Taesan:- Stop complaining we're like five minutes away. -

Woonhak:- Yes, and we left LeeHan's house like 20 minutes ago, you could've finished explaining by now. -

Jaehyun:- For real, do you not want to tell or do you hate us? -

Taesan:- I cannot with y'all, y'all are so dramatic. -

Jaehyun:- You wouldn't have to deal with it if you just tell us. -

Taesan:- I'm keeping y'all with the curiosity. Plus gives me time to process it completely. -

Woonhak:- This is a 'curiosity killed the cat' moment AND I'M THE CAT. -

Taesan:- Then I'll be attending your funeral. Don't worry I'll bring pretty flowers. -

Woonhak:- I fucking hate you Han Taesan. -

Taesan:-Awww! I love you too. -

Woonhak spent what was left of the card ride sulking while Taesan laughed at his friends because they were really impatient. When they arrived at Jaehyun's house, they almost attacked him like wild animals, almost tackling him to the ground to get answers out of him.

Jaehyun:- Tell. Us. What. Happened. NOW! -

Taesan:- Ok, ok, calm down beasts I'll tell you now, but let's have a sit first. -

They grabbed something to drink and sat down at the kitchen island to talk.

Woonhak:- Speak now (Taylor's version). -

Taesan:- Ok ok. So after you guys left me, I stood there seeing if I could find anyone to approach because it was awkward to just stand there all alone. -

Jaehyun:- I can imagine you, like a sim, just standing there. -

Taesan:- Exactly. So after a really unsuccessful try at socializing, LeeHan came up to me after I hadn't seen him the whole night. -

Woonhak:- He didn't want to talk to you because you were looking too good and you took his words away - he said with a smirk on his face.

Taesan:- I'd say no but- let me continue explaining to give you context -

Jaehyun:- Oooooh~ something went down today -

Taesan:- Let me talk. So he came up to me and we talked for a bit and then he invited me to dance, to which I said yes of course. -

Woonhak:- He was trying to seduce you. -

Taesan:- Maybe. We were vibing to music, kinda felt like it was just us and no one else was there. Then this song uhm- Like it that way by CIX? Started playing and he sung the chorus but like- directed at me. -

Woonhak:- oh- I'VE HEARD THAT SONG- the lyrics tho, you can't say he doesn't have a crush on you after that. -

Taesan:- No. And even less with what happened after that. -

Jaehyun:- You had an eventful night, didn't ya? -

Taesan:- After he did that, he leaned forward towards me to whisper in my ear to follow him outside to garden, needless to say my heart was about to come out of my chest. -

Woonhak:- Your prayers were being met. -

Taesan:- It was absolutely surreal. When we got outside LeeHan didn't say a single word but just kissed me, and I absolutely froze on the spot. -

Jaehyun:- Lmao poor guy, must've thought you dispiced him. -

Taesan:- It wasn't on purpose, it just caught me really off guard. After I unfroze I kissed him back and of course he continued the kiss immediately. Let me tell you- he's a good kisser, like good GOOD. -

Jaehyun:- I expected it, he does have good lips. -

Woonhak:- Why are you staring at another man's lips? -

Jaehyun:- Come on baby, I could see a thousand other man's lips and my favorite will always be yours. -

Taesan:- Eww stop being so clingy what the fuck. -

Woonhak:- Let us be, you'll be the same with LeeHan. -

Taesan:- .....maybe. To finish the story, we made out, that's why the hickeys. And after we sat down to talk and he confessed his feelings to me and I confessed back. He asked me to be his boyfriend and I said yes. -

Jaehyun:- Without even going on a date? Bold. -

Taesan:- I've been in love with him for long enough, plus he's one of my closest friends, I know him very well. -

Woonhak:- Aww, I'm so happy for you, I told you you'd pull him one day. -

Jaehyun:- Yeah, you seem so happy, and he looks at you with such eyes, you guys are gonna be so cute together. -

Taesan:- Thanks guys, I still can't believe it's real. -

And they spent the rest of the night gossiping. Taesan was so over the moon with the thought that LeeHan was finally officially his man, and LeeHan felt the same, their hearts were the happiest they had been in a big while.

Ah yes, what a cute couple

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