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3rd POV

Taesan stayed over in LeeHan's house and then left Saturday early in the morning because he had stuff to do, places to be at in the weekend. Though he spent the whole weekend with his mind elsewhere because he kept repeating what happened Friday night in his head, he couldn't get his boyfriend out of his mind.

Taesan:- Damn LeeHan, you really have me down bad for you. -

And as if he had summoned him, he received a message from his man.

My love 💞

Hi baby

Hi love
What's up?

Nothing much
I just wanted to talk to you for a bit
I miss you

Me too
I miss you lots
More than I had ever missed you ever during the weekend

Last Friday altered our brain chemistry
Truly made me realize how much of an important piece of my life you are

I feel like I need to see you ASAP

but Monday's near
Can't wait to see you again

Ugh me either
See you handsome

See you too pretty boy 💐

Monday arrived and they had never been more thrilled to go to school, just to see another person. By that day, Taesan's butt pain was almost gone, it still remained a little bit every time he tried to sit down though, he hoped his friends didn't notice.

Jaehyun:- Hey man! Long time no see! I felt like this weekend lasted forever -

Taesan:- Hi bro! I felt like it too, so insane -

Woonhak:- I was melting away of boredom in my room, first time I actually wanted to come here -

Sungho:- May I join the conversation? Good morning guys! -

Jaehyun:- Ayyyy Mr. Park sunghozz how ya doing? -

Sungho:- Haha I'm great! Freshened up and far from the drama. -

Riwoo:- That last part I would doubt, but I feel like this weekend was a good rest for all of us. -

Woonhak:- Truly, but I was bored out of my mind. -

LeeHan:- Joining late as always. They say save the best for last so I'm always late. -

Taesan:- Humble yourself a little baby, I mean yeah, you're handsome and all but let's not be arrogant. -

LeeHan:- You like me like that tho - LeeHan grabbed Taesan by the waist and pulled him in to peck his lips.

Riwoo:- Get a fucking room bro. We get it, y'all in your honeymoon era but stop being so sticky with each other. -

Woonhak:- I smell jealousy~ You'll find someone to be with like that soon bro -

Riwoo:- Fuck off smarty pants -

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