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3rd POV

*The day LeeHan saw Taesan for the first time*

Jaehyun:- Hey Taesan, how are you doing today? -

Another normal, boring day, at least it was Friday, the week was finally ending. Jaehyun did his regular 'hi how are you' he always did whenever he saw his friends, no matter if it wasn't the first time seeing them that day.

Taesan:- Meh, I'm doing normal, I'm kinda bored tho -

Woonhak:- Samee, I wanna go home already and the day just started.

Taesan:- Has it just started tho? Woonhak, we're on our last break right before last period, what are you talking about. -

Woonhak:- I got to school one period ago, maybe that's why I feel like the day just started -

Jaehyun:- If you were going to get here that late then why come? -

Woonhak:-  Because I wanted to be with my boyfriend and my best friend maybe? -

Taesan:-  You're weird. -

Woonhak:- Leave me be, I wanted to spend time with you guys -

They walked their way towards their usual spot sitting a kiosk right outside the main high school building (of course still in school property) and as they sat down they pulled out their cellphones and scrolled through social media without talking to each other (typical teenagers 🤒).

After a while, Taesan put his phone down and stared out in the distance spacing out.

Jaehyun:- What ya thinking about? Someone specific? - he said in a teasing tone.

Taesan:- Nah, I was just thinking how we met in a particular way, I never thought I'd end up being friends with guys like you. -

Woonhak:- ouch? -

Taesan:- I don't mean it as something bad dumbfuck -

But truly, they met in a really particular way:
Jaehyun was new in school, he took a class with Taesan, and in that class the teacher decided to make an assignment that had to be done in pairs, as Jaehyun was new he didn't have anyone to work with, and Taesan being..... well, Taesan; even though he was smart if someone didn't come up to him he wouldn't go to anyone, he had some friends here and there but no one really he considered his close friend group, sometimes people just didn't choose to work with him, so naturally the teacher put them together because they were the only ones left without a group.

After having to work together, they realized they hit it off well and ended up becoming really good friends; and as for woonhak... the kid somehow made their way to him, since he was really outgoing and friendly, he talked to anyone that crossed his path basically. Once he crossed paths with Jaehyun and Taesan, they stayed talking for a long time and with time, Woonhak started spending more and more time with them, becoming the third piece of their friend group; and after a few months jaehyun and Woonhak started dating.

They've now become that one friend group where two are together and the third is their best friend, Taesan doesn't really feel like a third wheel, because they spent as much time with him as they do with each other, they are like a bundle, they come together, you can't separate them.

Jaehyun:- I never thought about it, but it's true- -

And as Jaehyun was speaking and getting sentimental, the bell rang and interrupted him.

Taesan:- Amen, saved by the bell -

Jaehyun:- Ok ouch?? That's rude -

Woonhak:- I'm sorry love but it's true you get out of hand when you get sentimental -

Jaehyun just started walking while sulking and leaving his friend and boyfriend behind.

Taesan:- Oh please, he's such a baby. -

And they walked behind him to class, Taesan and Jaehyun, had a class together, while Woonhak had to go to one of his grade's class.

Woonhak:- Goodbye guys - woonhak walked away to his class.

Taesan and Jaehyun sat down at the back of the class just as always, and the lesson started, as boring as always, they probably spaced out more than half of it, I mean, it was a Friday, last period, their mind was more out of it than in it.

Eventually the bell rang, finally they were free. As Taesan was waiting for Jaehyun to finish packing his things (this always happened, they were always the last to leave the class), they heard the teacher call someone over, and because they were nosy mfs, they had to hear what she was telling that student.

Teacher:- Riwoo, can you tell that handsome friend of yours, LeeHan I think is his name, that the principal wants to talk to him please -

Riwoo:- Sure, I'll tell him. -

When they both heard that name 'LeeHan' they looked at each other.

Jaehyun:- That's Riwoo, one of LeeHan's closest friends - Jaehyun said in a low voice so the teacher wouldn't hear him.

Taesan:- Yeah I know, what would the principal want to talk to LeeHan for? -

Jaehyun:- Why do you want to know? Worried about your man getting in trouble? - he said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Taesan:- No dumbfuck, I'm just curious. -

Jaehyun:- You do like the word dumbfuck don't you? Think about it, him going to the office is a good opportunity for him to at least see you if you "casually" are on his way when he's in the office. -

Jaehyun's idea explained in the next chap 🤭.

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