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3rd POV

LeeHan couldn't explain himself how his feelings had grown so much in such a little amount of time. It had been just over two months from when he first talked to Taesan, and around 3 months and a half from when he had first known of his existence. He had never had feelings this strong towards someone, he spent most of his time thinking about Taesan, relating things to Taesan and talking about Taesan.

His friends had never seen LeeHan in such a state of enamourment with anyone, not even the one ex he used to say was the love of his life. And it kinda scared LeeHan, because, his feelings were going fast, way faster that he would want them to go, what if he scares Taesan away eventually? LeeHan naturally flirted a little bit with Taesan, and often, he felt like the other reciprocated his actions, but at the same time he wasn't sure and that scared him. Plus this was his first time experiencing feelings towards a man, and men are dumb, harsh to say but true, plus the one he wanted was a little extra blind, hard to get to.

The fact that both friend groups had become so close was the best for LeeHan, he got to spend so much time with Taesan. He noticed how the latter was often shy around him,or he showed signs of being nervous. Long ago he had heard rumors of Taesan crushing on him, he didn't want to believe them, but day after day he felt like they were true more and more. That also scared LeeHan, what if the rumors were fake and he was just misinterpreting Taesan's actions and behaviour? He didn't want to get hurt, but he didn't want to miss his opportunity either.

For a long time now, he had been planning where and how to confess to Taesan. He wanted to do it, if he didn't he'd probably regret forever, he was willing to take the risk, he couldn't stand hiding his feelings (which he wasn't actually doing to be honest) any longer.

So, he planned to make a party at his house. His parents didn't mind having a bunch of teenagers come over to party at their house, as long as LeeHan was responsible for any mess that could happen. Plus they allowed drinking, just in a moderate way, whoever got wasted would be kicked out, for their own safety and other's, back to their houses.

Riwoo and Sungho knew about the plan of the party confession. LeeHan had come to the conclusion that he couldn't confess sober, not even if he tried, he needed at least one drink on him to loosen up his nerves, at least a little bit. All that was left to do was get the word out that he was going to have a party, at his house, in two weeks, and of course, the first people he was inviting were his closest friends.


Lee Han 🕺:
I'm having a party
At my house
In two weeks

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Count me in
I love parties

Woonhak 😜:
Me too
Good thing I'm always free

Sungho 😴:
I'll be there too

Dance machine 🗣️:
And me
An excuse to buy a new wine bottle for me

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Drinking allowed?
That's a new one

Lee Han 🕺:
My parents don't mind
As long as you're responsible enough not to get wasted
If not then you'll get sent home
(Quite literally)

Woonhak 😜:
If I have an eye on him 
He won't be any trouble
I don't allow him to drink over his limit

Sungho 😴:
Protective much
And you're younger than him
What a responsible bf

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Ikr 😍
That's one of the many reasons why I love him

Woonhak 😜:
I love you too baby

Mung Jaehyun ♡:

Dance machine 🗣️:
Where's Taesan btw?
He hasn't answered

Woonhak 😜:
Probably working on some assignments
Or he fell asleep
He's been really tired lately

Sungho 😴:
Poor guy :(
He overworks himself too much

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
I agree
But he's stubborn and doesn't listen

I'm alive
I was working on my science hw

Lee Han 🕺:
Can you go
To a party
At my house
In two weeks?

I can ask
Although I'll probably go bc it's your party
And my mom liked your mom that one time they met

Lee Han 🕺:
I hope I can see you there

Sungho 😴:
Good thing you want us there too
Bc you didn't say anything when we said we could go

Woonhak 😜:
I smell favorites

Dance machine 🗣️:

Lee Han 🕺:
Shut up???
What y'all on

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
The truth
That's what we're on


Dance machine 🗣️:
You bffr


I asked I can go

Sungho 😴:
We're all going

Lee Han 🕺:
Bring your own drinks
If you want to drink ofc

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Understood 🫡
This is going to be so fun

It's finally going to go down.

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