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3rd POV (LeeHan's side)

As he arrived at school, he could hear people chatting about him and his shocking post, it didn't bother him, he knew most of them weren't probably talking bad about him, and if they were, fuck them. He was so relieved he came out.

Along the day, quite a few amount of guys confessed their feelings to him and tried asking him out. He rejected all of them, because he already had his eyes set on another person. He wanted to tell each of those guys that the one he wanted was Taesan, his feelings for him kept getting bigger, but if he said anything everyone would know, he had to keep quiet.

He spotted Taesan a few times through the day, and each and every of those times he was rejecting a guy, he was hoping taesan wasn't the king wrong of any of those situations.

After he asked Riwoo to ask Jaehyun for Taesan's @, he felt the nerves get to him even though he wasn't even talking to Taesan himself. When he saw his friend walking back towards him, he was eager to know what Jaehyun had said.

LeeHan:- so, what'd he say? -

Riwoo:- he told me he would ask taesan and then tell me. -

And they sat to wait and see, LeeHan was worried maybe Taesan would say no to the request. After a few minutes, Riwoo got the so-awaited notification.

Riwoo:- Here it is. - He showed LeeHan his phone's screen, a text from Jaehyun that read "giantmountain".

LeeHan immediately looked the user up and sent a follow request. He was scared Taesan would know who was asking for his insta, but he also wanted taesan to know, so he decided to 'fuck it' and just do it.

LeeHan stared nervously at his phone while he waited for Taesan to accept his request. It didn't take long, but it felt longer when he didn't know if he would be accepted. Once Taesan accepted his request, he took a look at his last posts, without liking them of course, and then he turned his phone off and put it in his pocket.

Riwoo:- Did you text him? -

LeeHan:- Nope, I'm planning to DM him in the late afternoon when I get home. -

Riwoo:- You do you, just don't chicken out. -

LeeHan:- I won't I won't. -

After the last bell rang, he walked home thinking about what he would dm Taesan. After deciding to not overthink it much, he told himself he'd just write a hi, and ask him if he's han taesan just to make sure.

Taesan quickly answered his dm, they had a small conversation, but LeeHan enjoyed finally being able to talk to Taesan. While they talked, Taesan offered him making a gc with both his and Taesan's friend group, for them to become a big friend group, so LeeHan asked his friends if they wanted to.


Lee Han 🕺:
I texted taesan

Sungho 😴:
You stopped being a coward

Dance machine 🗣️:
You kept your word
How'd it go?

Lee Han 🕺:
Great I'd say
We made a bit of small talk
And what I came for
He asked if we could make
A gc
With both our friend groups
If it's ok w y'all

Sungho 😴:
I like the idea
They seem like nice ppl

Dance machine 🗣️:
I already kinda know them either way
Why not become close friends
Plus, what a great move, let your future bf meet your friends
Make sure y'all get along 😏

Sungho 😴:
Smooth move
Make sure to get your man bagged
Never back down never what?

Dance machine 🗣️:
Never give up!

Lee Han 🕺:
You guys are ridiculous
I'll tell him to make the gc
This is no move to get to him
We're gonna be just friends

Sungho 😴:
We'll see about that


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