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3rd POV

As it was the weekend, LeeHan slept all the way through till it was 1pm, he woke up to do brunch.

LeeHan:- Good morning mom, is there anything to eat? -

LH's mom:- Good afternoon actually, dear, and yes, I'm almost finished making lunch. How are you feeling today? You looked kinda out of it when you got home yesterday.

LeeHan:- It's that late? I thought it was way earlier. And yeah kinda, the sleep made me feel better, but I still feel kinda blurry, do you understand what I mean? -

LH's mom:- Yeah I do, has it got to do with what you wanted to tell me later? -

LeeHan:- Mhm. I'll just explain it to you later.

When the food was ready, he sat down to eat with his mom and dad, the food was really good gladly. After, he went up to his room and spent the day resting, scrolling through his phone, trying to clear his mind.

His friends had contacted him to ask how he was feeling; he explained he felt better, still a little confused but the rest and time to process made him realize he was in a safe space where he could adapt to this change without much trouble gladly. As the night fell, he went down again to cook something for himself and his mom for dinner, since his dad had gone out on some work dinner with his boss and wasn't coming back until later that night.

LeeHan:- Mom, I'm ready to tell you what I wanted to tell you. -

LeeHan felt really nervous, he knew his mom would have no trouble with the topic, but he felt nervous because he himself wasn't used to it, but he felt like he needed his mom support go get through this and that's why he wanted to tell her.

LH's mom:- Go ahead sweetie, I'm all ears. -

LeeHan:- So remember I told you about this guy I saw the other day that I thought was really good looking, that I then found out later his name is Taesan? -

LH's mom:- I do remember -

LeeHan:- Well, I've come to the realization that I might feel attraction towards him, as in romantic attraction. -

LH's mom:- Are you sure about these feelings and that you're not rushing into conclusions? - LeeHan's mom didn't mean it in a bad way, she just wanted to make sure his son was not rushing himself to understand feelings he could be not understanding.

LeeHan:- I'm sure yeah. I started kinda feeling it whenever I thought about going up to him to ask him his insta so we could be friends. At first I got just a little bit nervous, but a normal amount of nervous for a social interaction, then the nervousness grew a bit more till where I couldn't just ignore it longer. It took me by surprise, not that I think it's bad, I just... wasn't expecting it? I guess. -

LH's mom:- I see. I completely understand honey, and 100%, I know you have no bad intentions, it really is not that easy to process. Just know that I will support you completely on however this ends up. At the end of the day you're my son and you'll always be, liking guys or not liking guys.

LeeHan:- Thanks mom, I feel good knowing I have your support, and I'm happy I have a supporting environment around me. -

LH's mom:- It's great you don't feel unsafe. Plus, I know your friends are completely fine with it, and didn't you tell me this guy you're attracted to's friends are a couple? Who knows, maybe he likes guys as well. -

LeeHan:- It would be perfect if he did yes - LeeHan laughed softly - Can you do me a favor? Tell dad when he comes back, I wanna go out for a walk and then I'll go to sleep probably. -

LH's mom:- Of course I will honey don't worry. Be careful on that walk please. -

LeeHan:- I will be, I promise. -

Going out to the fresh air, walking and admiring the night sky with stars was freeing for LeeHan and freshening too. He liked going out on walks to free his mind from all thought and to just exist for a moment, this time felt perfect for one of these mind freeing walks.

After laying down on the grass in a park nearby his house, he went back and got ready to sleep. After he closed his eyes he fell asleep in an instant, feeling more reassured than before.

*3/4 weeks later*

Through all this time, LeeHan worked through accepting himself as himself completely in his new sexuality. He was now feeling comfortable and confident on calling himself and knowing himself as part of the bisexual community. Although the dummy was still very much afraid of trying to approach Teasan and ask for his contact to at least talk.

His friends and his mom and dad (who, after he was told by LeeHan's mom, fully supported his son) played a crucial role through all of this, without their support it would've been way harder for him.

He was planning on coming out soon, and the easiest way of doing so was by social media; most of the people that knew him followed him there, it seemed like the best option. So one day LeeHan posted this:

@lh_kdh: Hey y'all, it probably seems weird I'm writing this here right now, most of y'all must be weirded out since I write short, nonsense captions

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@lh_kdh: Hey y'all, it probably seems weird I'm writing this here right now, most of y'all must be weirded out since I write short, nonsense captions. Well, I wanted to use this post to share some important "news"(?) about myself I guess. By writing this, I'm officially coming out to y'all as bisexual; it probably looks like this is totally random and it happened out of nowhere (I mean, at the end of the day that's how this type of things manifest themselves, randomly when you least expect it). The reason I realized this was because there was this someone who "came into" my life unexpectedly and changed my perspective on things. I will like you guys to support me, and I want to let you guys know you have my full support whether you want or don't want to come out. I am greaful I am in a safe enough space for me to come out like this, let's love and respect each other as we are and keep this community as beautiful as it is.

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@uririwoolee: That's my man! Congrats, I'm proud of you bro

@sunghozzz: 😎😎 Ate

Coming out to your parents comfortably? My dream.

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