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3rd POV

Taesan:- Yeah I do like that word.  And how the fuck is it a good opportunity? I'm not going to stand like a statue in front of him in the middle of the way. -

Jaehyun:- Not like that you dumbass, you know how you sometimes wait for your mom inside the receptionists space, like in the chairs that are there? -

Taesan:-  Yeah....? -

Jaehyun:- Well, you can "casually" be sitting there when LeeHan walks in to go the principal's office. -

Taesan:- That's just dumb, he wouldn't look my way anyway. -

Jaehyun:- What tells you he won't? Give it a try at least. -

Taesan:- ...maybe. -

Jaehyun:- PLEASE, Give it a try at least -

Teacher:- Boys can you leave the class now? -

Jaehyun:- Oh yeah, sorry, we'll get going. -

They left the class, met with Woonhak outside and walked all the way to the entrance to leave. On the way Jaehyun told Woonhak about his plan for Taesan.

Woonhak:- You should totally do it man. -

Taesan:- I really don't want to -

Jaehyun:- Come on, give it a try at least, if it doesn't work, you can blame me all you want.-

Taesan:- ....ok. You've doomed yourself Myung Jaehyun. -

Jaehyun:- We'll see about that. Bye bro, tell us how it goes. -

Woonhak and Jaehyun left together, they were going on a date out to a cafe, Taesan's mom hadn't arrived so he went to the receptionist's just to carry out Jaehyun's dumb (according to him) plan.

He sat down in the reception, on his usual chair.

Receptionist:- Hi honey, do you need anything in specific? -

Taesan:- Not really, I'm just waiting for my mom. -

The receptionist nodded her head and got back to what she was doing. Taesan pulled out his phone to play his favorite mobile game, to "wait for his mom" (casually, his mom was a boy his age really handsome, named LeeHan).

Some minutes after he started playing, he somehow felt someone was coming, he looked out of the entrance to the reception (there was no door, just the "hole" to walk in) and he saw LeeHan coming. Immediately he put his head back down focusing on the game so LeeHan wouldn't catch him looking at him.

LeeHan walked in and it seemed like he took at least a glance Taesan's way, he couldn't tell quite well because he was focused in not looking up because he knew if he did he would stare.

LeeHan:- Hi, I'm here because the principal called me? -

Receptionist:- Yes, let me tell him you're here. -

LeeHan:- Thanks. -

And LeeHan went inside the principal's office.

Receptionist:- I see, you did have a reason to be here. - she said in a joking tone.

The receptionist was kinda friends with Teasan, he had never told her he had a crush on LeeHan, but she could tell.

Taesan:- No no, I'm truly here to wait for my mom. -

Come Straight Into My Heart | Taesan x Lee HanWhere stories live. Discover now