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3rd POV

Taesan's group already stood at the exit as they waited for LeeHan's group to arrive.

Jaehyun:- the popular kids must be saying bye to half the school. -

Woonhak:- hundred percent they are Mr. 1000 friendships. -

Taesan:- they say bye to the most random people. -

While they complained they saw the familiar figure of their now close friends walking towards them.

Jaehyun:- finally, took them long enough. -

Sungho:- Hi guys! Sorry we took so long we were saying bye to people -

Taesan:- and we were right. Struggles of being friends with the popular kids. -

Riwoo:- What can we say, the school loves us. -

Taesan:- oh shut up

LeeHan:- jealous much?

They laughed and started making their way to the cafe they were going to. A short walk of around 5 blocks later, they arrived at the so called favorite cafe of Jaehyun and woonhak's.

Woonhak:- I can't wait for you guys to try the food from this place, it's incredible. -

They went in and sat down in one of the booths that could hold 6 people. They sat in the following order: at the very end, next to the window, Taesan w LeeHan sat in front of him; next to them Sungho & Riwoo sat one in each side just like LeeHan and Taesan; and sitting on the other end were Woonhak and Jaehyun, sat in front of each other. The last two looking at each other lovingly flirting with just their eyes.

Taesan was stuck looking at the ground because he was way too nervous to look up and make eye contact directly with LeeHan, the latter one was admiring Taesan, even though he was looking at the ground and he could mostly only see the crown of his head, Taesan was wearing one of the best outfits he had ever seen on him, he even had a little blush on that made him look extra good and LeeHan couldn't help but stare at the one he wanted to make his man.

As they decided what they were going to drink, Taesan's and LeeHan's order coincidentally ended up being the same milkshake.

LeeHan:- Hey, I rarely ever finish a milkshake by myself, if it doesn't bother you we can share so we don't have to buy two. -

Taesan:- Are you sure? I mean, I have no problem sharing. -

LeeHan:- Then, let's order just one and ask for two straws. -

The fact that LeeHan barely ever finished a milkshake by himself wasn't a lie, but he also used it as an excuse to share a drink with Taesan, you could say, a smooth move to get more points with his (now) crush.

When Taesan accepted to sharing the milkshake with LeeHan, Woonhak and Jaehyun widened their eyes and looked at the two sitting at the other end of the booth, raising their eyebrows at Taesan teasing him, the latter gesturing them to cut it off. On the other side, Riwoo winked at LeeHan, who just kinda shushed him and pretended to ignore him to not bring attention to it.

Their food and drinks arrived as they talked absolute nonsense to each other.

Jaehyun:-  So if we were to get into a fight with a bear, who would win? Riwoo or Sungho? I need at least one argument.

LeeHan:- I believe Riwoo. Because he'd be able to outrun the bear because he has better stamina, although Sungho is pretty smart so maybe he can come up with some brilliant strategy and outsmart the bear. -

Sungho:- Valid argument, I think the same. -

Woonhak:- To be honest, I see them both as capable of winning. -

Taesan:- I see Sungho more capable, but yeah, they both have a good shot. -

The conversation ceased for a bit while they concentrated in eating what they had order.

Riwoo:- Yo, you guy were right, the food here is great, I love this! -

Everyone agreed that the place had really good food. LeeHan's and Taesan's shared milkshake was no exception, they say things taste better when you share them.

Suddenly, as both wanted to take sip at the same time, they lower their heads to each of their straws correspondently at the same time, they caught each other by surprise by doing it at the same time, both getting startled and blushing, they were super close to each other's face.

They could feel their hearts beating out of their chest, of course neither of them realized the other was in the same nerve altering situation as the other, they just dismissed their reactions as normal and "he could never like me back".

After they finished eating, each of them made their way back to where they had to go. The OGS were having a sleepover at Taesan's so they walked together to Taesan's mom's car. When they arrived at the house the first event to get mentioned was, of course, the unintentional sip at the same time.

Jaehyun:- Bro, you should've seen your face, you looked like a tomato. -

Woonhak:- For real! Not even I reacted like that back when I didn't know my love liked me back. -

Taesan:- Don't even, he was so close, I could feel his respiration, I almost passed out. -

Woonhak:- He didn't fall behind though, he blushed like a dummy too, but I know you're going to deny it so I'll just leave it at that. -

Taesan:- I swear, you guys are more delusional than I am. -

Jaehyun:- Sorry honey, but you're just blind. He clearly is crushing on you, you're just in denial. -

When will it be the day Taesan listens to Jaehyun.

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