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3rd POV

Taesan scrolled through insta just as a he got a DM by Jaehyun.

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
You don't know what just happened

Dude what is it? Tell me

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
LeeHan just posted this

THS: What the fuck Are you being frAre you playing a prank on me I could kill you jaehyun

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What the fuck
Are you being fr
Are you playing a prank on me
I could kill you jaehyun

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Everyone's so shocked

Still can't believe ya
Will believe you if on Monday I hear people talking about it

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
First of all ouch
Second of all you'll see
Bc it is real
Everyone will be talking about it
Trust me

Let's see who gets the last laugh

On Monday, as soon as he got to school, all he saw was people gossiping around. "I can't believe it's actually true" "Right? Who could the lucky guy he mentioned be?". No.fucking.way what Jeahyun sent him was real, it just couldn't be. It didn't fit in his mind that LeeHan wasn't straight, he was so used to it this felt out of place. Not that he complained really- his deluluness now told him he might have a chance, which he later completely denied knowing damn well LeeHan would never go for someone like him.

Jaehyun:- Good morning Taesan, how are you today? Or should I instead greet you with an "I told you" - Jaehyun said with a grin on his face

Woonhak:- I'm confused -

Jaehyun:- Oh, the thing is, I sent Taesan a picture of what LeeHan posted, he didn't believe it and was saying he would only believe him when he heard more people mention it so -

Woonhak:- That makes sense, why didn't you believe him though? Oh, and good morning -

Taesan:- Good morning to you both, and I didn't believe him because he is capable of doing anything to get me to talk to LeeHan. -

Jaehyun:- You always think the worse from me, I taught you well -

Woonhak:- Well the post is real, LeeHan did come out and he said it was because someone made him realize. -

Jaehyun:- Ya hear that? That means you've got a chance with him. -

Taesan:- Did you happen to just listen to the first part? He literally said it was because of someone, he probably is already talking with another guy.

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