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⚠️ again, mature content

3rd POV

LeeHan reached over to the drawer in his nightstand from where he got a bottle of lube, he had done his research on gay sex to be able to treat Taesan right if the occasion meant it. He then grabbed Taesan's legs and put them over his shoulders.

LeeHan:- I need to prep you, this may hurt a little. -

Taesan nodded his head as to give LeeHan permission to continue. Slowly, LeeHan inserted one finger and started thrusting in and out; Taesan didn't feel much pain yet, it was more uncomfy than painful but he was getting used to it. Then LeeHan inserted a second finger and then a third one to slowly get Taesan used to the feeling, it now was stinging a bit but the pleasure made up to it.

Once Taesan wasn't feeling barely any pain he decided to comunicate that he was ready.

Taesan:- Just dick me down already. -

LeeHan smirked at him as he pulled his finger out. He reached over to grab a condom, putting it on and rubbing some lube on it to make everything more smooth.

LeeHan:- Your wish is my command. -

And LeeHan started slowly pushing into Taesan, the slightly older guy felt the pain immediately, tears almost rolling down his face, but as he got used to it, the pain started turning into pleasure. He moved his hips to accommodate himself, giving the other an indicator that he could start moving.

LeeHan started slowly thrusting into him, slow but deep movements, trying to hit Taesan's weak point to make him feel the most pleasure possible. Taesan was, surprisingly, a very vocal guy, moaning and whimpering LeeHan's name and whatever he could get out of his mouth ever so often. His moans turned LeeHan on so much, he forever wanted to hear his boy moan his name like that, just for him.

LeeHan:- Fuck. You feel so good. -

Taesan:- You do me so good. aaah~ -

As both were reaching their climax, LeeHan's moves were getting more wild, harder, deeper, faster, driving Taesan insane making him moan loudly.

Taesan:- Fuck I'm so close. Don't stop. -

Soon after, Taesan reached his climax, followed shortly by LeeHan, who pulled out and played down besides him.

LeeHan:- How do you feel my love? -

Taesan:- I feel so good. -

LeeHan:- I'm gonna run you a bath of warm water, so you don't feel much pain later. -

Taesan:- Thanks, you're a sweetheart. -

LeeHan got up and went to the bathroom to start running the water. When the temperature was right and the bathtub was full, LeeHan helped Taesan to get to the bathroom and get in the bathtub so his muscles could relax a bit there.

Taesan:- You're the best, thank you for taking care of me, really. -

LeeHan:- It's the least I can do for you my boy. You deserve the whole world. -

LeeHan left a soft kiss on Taesan's lips and went to take off his bed's sheets that had gotten a bit stained to throw in the washing machine. He put some underwear and sweatpants on and got some underwear and one of his hoodies for Taesan. He went back into the bathroom to leave the clothes there for his boyfriend.

LeeHan:- Is the water ok for you? -

Taesan:- Yes, it's perfect. I could stay here all day. -

LeeHan was just staring lovingly at his man, when he suddenly had a realization.


He ran down stairs to get the cookies out of the oven that were about to get burnt. On the other hand, Taesan burst out laughing when LeeHan ran away to get the cookies, it was a really funny scene.

He then got out of the bath and put on the clothes LeeHan had left him, the hoodie was big on him, like down to his knees, it was perfect and smelled just like LeeHan. LeeHan got back upstairs with some of the cookies for them to try, he got in the bed right next to Taesan and cuddled with him.

Taesan:- Were they burnt? -

LeeHan:- Nope. I got them out right on time before they got burnt. -

Taesan:- Great, the look really good. -

They took a bite out of them and, effectively, they were really good. After eating the cookies they continued watching their series where they had left off. Though they got sleepy and eventually fell asleep cuddling, there was no hurry for Taesan to get back anyway.


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