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⚠️ mature content up ahead, yk what I mean, if you don't want to read, skip ahead

3rd POV

LeeHan and Taesan walked back to LeeHan's house. When they arrived, they were home alone, which they used to their advantage to eat whatever they wanted and do whatever they wanted.

LeeHan:- Hey, we have cookie and brownie dough here at home, wanna make some brownie cookies? -

Taesan:- That sounds so goooood, sure, why not. -

And they got their hands into the making of the cookies. In the process they made an absolute mess, that they would clean up later. Since it would take a while for them to be done, LeeHan suggested for them to go do something else.

LeeHan:- Let's go watch a series in my room so we can be comfy. -

Taesan:- I love the idea, let's go. -

They lied down on LeeHan's bed and played an episode of the series they were watching together, a series they had promised they'd only watch while being with each other.

Taesan:- This series is so good, I can't wait to finish it to see how it ends. -

LeeHan:- Totally, I wonder how it ends, it'll probably have a huge plot twist. -

Unlike their words, they got to a point where they were barely focusing on the series anymore. Taesan was laying between LeeHan's legs against his chest, LeeHan had a hand on Taesan's thigh. Taesan's full focus was on the hand LeeHan had on his leg, and the feeling of him slowly caressing the area. His mind was going places, places he wasn't sure he wanted it to go to, but he couldn't help it, the action was too hot and his boyfriend was even hotter.

So he decided to make a bold move, to see how his lover would react. He grabbed his hand and placed it right on top of his crotch, lightly controlling the hand to stroke his member. He felt LeeHan's body tense up under him at the sudden move, yet after he processed it LeeHan continued the action his boyfriend started. He kept his eyes on the TV while he jerked his boyfriend off, although it was hard to do so hearing from time to time a faint moan/whimper come from his lover's mouth turning him on.

LeeHan:- Never thought you'd make such a bold move. -

Taesan:- Can't help it, you're really hot - said between whimpers.

LeeHan stopped stroking his boyfriend's dick, earning a loud whimper from the one who was close to the edge. In a swift move, he managed to get out of under Taesan and get on top of him hovering over him. The view of his boyfriend on top of him was really hot, Taesan couldn't believe such an attractive man was his.

LeeHan leaned down to kiss Taesan. He attacked the other's lips with such master moves it would've made anyone melt, but apart from that it was also filled of his feelings towards the boy under him and how much he loved him. As he licked his lover's lip to indicate the wanting to introduce his tongue to the kiss, Taesan allowed him, letting him take the lead and exploring his mouth completely .The look in LeeHan's eyes was full of lust, as he moved on from Taesan's already swollen lips, down to his neck to leave marks of his love and possession of the boy; sucking specifically on the one spot he knew made his man weak to turn him on even further.

Taesan had never witnessed LeeHan looking hotter than when he was going down on him, unbotting his shirt, leaving a trail of love bites down his torso, exploring his whole body. Eventually, LeeHan got to the seam of Taesan's pants, he unbottoned them slowly, looking up, as to be asking permission to do so with his eyes. Taesan nodded his head at him, letting him continue; LeeHan finished opening his pants and pulled down his underwear slightly to let his dick out.

The long haired boy put his lover's dick in his mouth, wrapping his tongue around it and hollowing his cheeks to give the right friction and pressure, sending chills down Taesan's spine. LeeHan started slowly bobbing his head up and down, making slightly loud moans come out of his boyfriend's mouth. The closer Taesan was of coming the harder he gripped onto LeeHan's hair and pushed his dick down the boy's throat, LeeHan didn't mind though, his gag reflex was basically non-existent, perfect for this situation. He then felt Taesan's dick twitch and he knew the boy was about to come, he purposely put his head all the way down for his lover's cum to shoot down the back of his throat, him swallowing it completely, it tasted surprisingly good.

He got up from giving his boyfriend head, taking Taesan's and his own shirt's off leaving both their torso's exposed. Taesan stared really hard at the other's torso, he had a well toned body, making him want to taste it all.

LeeHan:- Don't look at me like that if you're not going to have a taste. -

So Taesan brought his hands up and started feeling his man's whole torso, to then move as close as he could to get a good taste of LeeHan's abs, running his tongue through all the creases leaving wet kisses and small marks.

At the same time LeeHan took his pants off leaving him in only underwear. When his boyfriend finished tasting his torso he took a look at the man before him who stood in only boxers. Fuck was he a gorgeous man, he couldn't wait to take him completely. So he put his hands to action and took off his pants, both now in only underwear. LeeHan then proceeded to take Taesan's boxers off, followed by his own, leaving Taesan's mouth agape as he saw his boyfriend's member, he couldn't believe he would be getting ALL THAT.

LeeHan:- Like what you see? - He said with a cocky smirk on. 

Taesan:- Cocky much? But yes, yes I do.

Continuing this next chapter bc it's getting too long 🤭

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