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3rd POV

That of people being jealous of them was the most evident true thing. Along the week comments such as "how did he pull him" or "that should've been me" were what was heard the most. LeeHan and Taesan were unbothered though, because they felt really good being with each other, and they were really comfortable with the other. Plus, their friends totally defended them too, nobody could touch their relationship, or could they?

As he was about to leave the high school, a girl approached LeeHan, saying she had to talk to him.

Girl:- It's really urgent, could you come with me? -

LeeHan:- Uhm- I don't even know who you are. Why would I follow you? -

Girl:- My name's Junghwa, now, could you come talk to me please? It's about your boyfriend. -

LeeHan:- My Taesan? Something happened to him? Is he ok? -

Junghwa:- Yeah he is, but I don't know if you will be. -

LeeHan:- The fuck are you talking about? -

Junghwa:- Just come with me, I'll explain everything.

LeeHan reluctantly followed this girl, although he wasn't really convinced if he should trust her.

LeeHan:- What do you want? -

Junghwa:- Don't talk to me like that. I just heard a rumour about your boyfriend that I think you should know. -

LeeHan:- Sure... go ahead. Speak. -

Junghwa:- Well, a friend of mine heard him talking to either Jaehyun or Woonhak on the phone, she was not quite sure which of them it was, but he was saying some surprising shit. -

LeeHan:- Stop beating around the bush, go straight to the point. -

Junghwan:- Damn I will. She said she heard Taesan saying something like "the plan worked, he fell for me, I'm popular now, I'll probably dump him in a week or two, I won't need him by then anymore." -

LeeHan felt his heart sink, although he had no reason to believe that what this girl was saying was true, the sole idea of the man he so much yearned to be with using him for popularity was gut wrenching, almost making him want to puke.

LeeHan:- How do I know I can trust you? - he tried to keep his composure.

Junghwa:- Well, I was a close friend of his sometime ago and a situation like this where he used someone already happened. I don't know about you, but I'd leave him if I was you, he'll probably cheat on you soon. Just saving you the pain and embarrassment. -

After saying that Junghwa left, leaving an absolutely starstruck LeeHan, who didn't know what to do, say or believe. There was no reason for him to believe this, but there wasn't any reason to not believe it either. And he was starting to feel a little enraged, he felt like he was about to collapse.

He went home and locked himself in his room, to have time to process everything. The more he thought about it the more he felt powerless, he was not the type to overthink, but this was eating him alive. So he decided to text Taesan.

Taesanie 💞💞

We need to talk.

Is everything ok?
You never text with dots
Did something happen?
Do you feel ok?

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