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3rd POV

A normal day at school, a Friday, the bell just rang meaning the end of the last period; LeeHan stood there besides his locker waiting for his friends, they had plans today, they were going to Riwoo's house.

LeeHan:- Where did this motherfuckers go? They're never late -

As LeeHan complained he saw Sungho making his way towards him through the crowded hall.

LeeHan:- Finally, what took you so long?

Sungho:- Sorry, my class was on the third floor, it was a struggle to get down here, oddly enough there was more people than usual at this hour in the halls -

LeeHan:- Yeah, there were no classes dismissed early by what I heard, every one was complaining. By the way, where's Riwoo? Weren't you two in the same class? -

Sungho:- No, he stopped taking that class when this school year started, I have no idea where he is. -

Just then they saw a familiar dark red head walking towards them.

Riwoo:- Sorry I'm late, the teacher didn't want to dismiss us. Oh by the way LeeHan, the teacher told me the principal wanted to talk to you. -

LeeHan:- Oh what now? No more pictures or committees please -

Even though he was popular, LeeHan was a pretty smart and sweet guy, and really really goodlooking, all of this combined was what made him popular to begin with. Due to his sweetness and popularity the principal often asked LeeHan to participate in all the High School-related activities and asked him to participate in the pictures used for publicity for the school.

Riwoo:- I don't know, didn't tell me anything apart from "tell that handsome friend of yours the principal is looking for him" -

LeeHan:- I'll have to go then, you guys can get going without me. -

Sungho:- Nah, don't worry, we'll wait for you. -

And they made their way to the principal's office. When they got there, Sungho and Riwoo stood outside the door to wait for LeeHan, while he went in to talk to the receiptionist so that she could let the principal know he was there and they could talk. When he walked in to the receptionist's desk LeeHan noticed another boy sat there in one of the chairs, he was really good-looking, and seemed to be in the same year than him, he had never seen him before but now he wanted to know who this guy was.

After talking to the principal, when he walked out, the guy he saw earlier wasn't there anymore. He went back to his friends so they could get to Riwoo's house and hangout.

LeeHan:- You guys don't get it, he was really really goodlooking and I had never seen him in the school before, I wonder who he is. -

Riwoo:- This guy must be really like outstandingly handsome for you to be so all over him with just seeing him once. -

Sungho:- Yeah, you never actually seem to have any interest in anyone new you ever see, this guy must be something. -

LeeHan:- He just seems like a very interesting character I don't know, I want to meet him. -

Sungho:- Well, you'll eventually figure it out, at the end of the day we go to the same school. -

LeeHan:- I hope I see him again soon. -

They hung out as per usual in Riwoo's house, ate the dinner Riwoo's mom made them, went out to the park to play some basketball and stayed over to sleep since it was the weekend and they didn't have much homework or assignments due soon. During all of this, LeeHan couldn't get this mistery guy out of his mind, who the hell could he be that he had never seen before? He had to find him.

I am actually really inspired for this ff, I hope it turns out at least decent 😭

LeeHan, Sungho, Riwoo, Taesan and Jaehyun are all Juniors, Woonhak is a sophomore. I know it doesn't match with their real ages but I just wanted to write it like this.

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