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3rd POV
This party was making Taesan really nervous and he didn't know why, he had been friends with LeeHan and his friends for months now, but something about the vibe of this party was different. Or maybe it was the fact his friends kept saying LeeHan would confess at this party.

Jaehyun:- I'm telling you, he'll probably take the courage to confess at the party. -

Woonhak:- Yeah, after a few drinks anything could go down. -

Taesan:- Guys, please come back down to earth and be realistic there is no fucking way that's going to happen. -

Jaehyun:- You never, know, let's see what happens later today. -

Yes, that day was the party, and Taesan still was struggling to find what he'd put on. He would usually not be stressed about it, but it was LeeHan's party, he wanted to look really good that day.

Eventually he found the perfect outfit, it fit his body type perfectly, even him, a not so confident person most of the time, knew he looked really good.

His mom had bought him a six pack of his favorite flavor of Smirnoff to take to the party, his mom allowed him to drink as long as she knew he was going to and he was going to control himself, she'd rather have him drinking in a safe environment than hiding from his parents not so safe environment.


Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Y'all ready?
I'm coming to get y'all soon

Woonhak 😜:
I'm ready baby
W my bag and all

Fuck my bag
I haven't made it

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Pull yourself tgt han taesan
We get it, it's LeeHan
Stop being so out of it jakdhdkf

I truly need to pull myself tgt
I am losing my shit
I almost flipped my room upside down searching for an outfit
My heart's beating out of my chest

Woonhak 😜:
Calm down bro
Everything will be fine
It's gonna be great
I've heard LeeHan's parties are great

I hope so
I'm about to shit my pants

They had plans to do a sleepover at Jaehyun's after the party, time to tell about everything that happened at the party and to just talk and have fun.

When they arrived at the party they could already see some people at LeeHan's house, which was huge by the way, no wonder he did parties at his house.

Taesan:- I wonder how many people are coming to this. -

Woonhak:- Probably a lot, he knows almost the whole high school. -

Jaehyun:- I wouldn't be surprised if there was to be over a hundred people here at some point. -

Taesan:- Well, time to make some new friends I guess

If there was to be a definition of a boring party, this would be considered the opposite. The dj played really great music, and people actually danced and had fun, it was a really enjoyable ambiance. Woonhak, Jaehyun and Taesan all loved to dance and sing along to the songs and being able to get carried away by the music was great.

They had spent the first around two hours together, dancing, singing and just talking having a great time, but after some time the environment of there being people making out started to hit the couple (aka Woonhak & Jaehyun) and they left Taesan all alone after going to find a room for themselves (quite literally).

Taesan didn't have much of a problem being alone at the party, after all, he was already under the effect of two cans of Smirnoff ice cranberry flavor and his nerves had loosened up a bit. He was searching for someone to make conversation with as he didn't want to just stand awkwardly there, alone.

Weirdly enough he hadn't spotted LeeHan throughout the whole party, at least not up close. For a while, all 5 of their friend group, excluding LeeHan, had sat down and talked and danced together, but LeeHan was nowhere to be seen.

The thing is, LeeHan had spent the whole party watching Taesan from afar. The boy was looking exceptionally good today and he was making LeeHan's heart beat a little bit faster than usual. LeeHan was gonna go through with his plan of confessing, he just had to warm up to the party first. After he had danced for a bit and downed his second or third bottle of beer he started to feel a little bit more confident in his plan.

When he saw Taesan standing alone, he decided to make his way to his future man-to-be to talk to him and see what was up.

LeeHan:- Hii, what are you doing here all alone? -

Taesan:- Oh hey! I hadn't seen you all night. Woonhak and Jaehyun left me and went to get a room for themselves, quite literally. -

LeeHan:- Makes sense, happens when your best friends are a couple. -

Taesan:- For real, I barely ever third wheel but today was another level. -

LeeHan:- At least now I've come to save you -

Taesan:- My hero! - he said in a sarcastic tone making both of them laugh.

LeeHan:- Anyways, wanna go dance with me? -

LeeHan extended his hand out to Taesan, who, obviously, took it. Both of them felt very nervous, but dancing would take their minds off of how the other made them feel and they'd be able to immerse in their own world, they were going to have an incredible time.

Continuing next part just to make it more fun and cliffhangery 🫣

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