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3rd POV

Soon enough, everyone started noticing the closeness of the 6 as of lately, they had started hanging out during breaks more often, and had also started working together in assignments in the classes they shared. Their gc was almost never quiet, only if they were together or were at a teacher's who doesn't allow to use phones, still those who weren't there would talk, they had to silence the chat because of it.


Mung Jaehyun ♡:
I'm telling you
Mr. Kim definitely has something going on with Mrs. Song

Dance Machine 🗣️:
Oh totally
I see it too
The other day they sat together to eat at lunch break
Ik they were supposed to like supervise in the same area
But they were too into the conversation
To supervise children

Sungho 😴:
How do you guys notice those things

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
School get boring very often
I barely pay attention in class
My sorroundings are more fun than the lessons quite often

Dance Machine 🗣️:
And Mrs. Song always comes by to Mr. Kim's when we're in class

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
She always interrupts our class

Woonhak 😜:
Y'all's teachers sound fun
Mine are boring af

Sungho 😴:
Yeah, sophomore year teachers were the most boring
You'll get lit teachers next year don't worry

Woonhak 😜:
I hope so 💀
Bc I'm out here falling asleep every single class

Some decency please
You're blowing up my phone
I'm about to get kicked out of class

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Haha loser
Why'd you decide to take Mr.Kang's class?

fuck you
Shut up

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Ilyt 🥺

Sungho 😴:
Where's LeeHan btw?

Dance Machine 🗣️:
In class
Bc we're doing nothing

I wish that was me
Oh fuck
Here comes the teacher
Or else I'll get my phone taken away 💀

Woonhak 😜:
Loser 😋

The ring of the bell woke LeeHan up, sign to go home, finally. The past two weeks had been so fun, they had never had that much fun until they became one whole group. They still were more comfortable with each of their original three, but they were growing closer and tighter as a group day by day.

As he was sitting alone in his room, Jaehyun decided to pitch an idea to the group chat, and see what they thought about it.


Mung Jaehyun ♡:
Call me Einstein cause I just came up w a great idea

Lee Han 🕺:
Go ahead genius, tell us what it is

Sungho 😴:
I barely ever see someone write w the right grammatic by text
You're weird LeeHan

Lee Han 🕺:
Let me be

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
What if
We go out all together
Next Friday
Since ik some of you are busy this Friday

Dance machine 🗣️:
I like the idea
Mostly of being told at least a week in advance
I have a busy schedule

Okay Mr. Dancer here
Having rehearsals every week

Dance machine 🗣️:
What can I say
That's the life of a dancer

Woonhak 😜:
I like the idea too
So, we're not having our weekly date on Friday as usual next week?

Sungho 😴:
You guys have a weekly date?
So romantic
Shut up lover boys

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
You're just jealous of us
Bc we have a stable and good relationship

Sungho 😴:
Blah blah wtv
I like the idea too

Lee Han 🕺:
But where to?

Woonhak 😜:
Ooooh, we could go to our favorite cafe
It's close to the high school

Oooh Yess
I love the food and the drinks there
The best of the best

Dance machine 🗣️:
Sounds good
Right after class?

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
We can go walking

Lee Han 🕺:
So it's walking distance

I just have to ask for permission

Sungho 😴:
You're 17 years old and there's still a possibility you won't be allowed to go?

What can I say
I hate it here
Gimme a sec I'mma ask

Ok so I have permission

Dance machine 🗣️:
I told my parents and I can go

Mung Jaehyun ♡:
I always go out w woonhakie on Fridays so there's no problem for me

Lee Han 🕺:
Yeah I won't get told no
I just need to let my mom know where I'm at and that's it

Sungho 😴:
I can go too

Woonhak 😜:
Our first hang out out of school
I love it
So great

Drop that goddamn word boy
You always say it

Woonhak 😜:
Who cares

Dance machine 🗣️:
Yes slay


Woonhak 😜:

Who to have a friend group like theirs w me?

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