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3rd POV

After LeeHan saw Taesan for a second time and learned who he was, he started seeing him at school quite often. They've never actually closely crossed paths, but he would walk past Taesan or the other way around all the time now, and he'd always spot him at the distance when in the halls going to their lockers.

It had been around two weeks since LeeHan had learned who Taesan was, he now kept an eye on him always, every now and then he would mention him when talking to his friends. Yet, LeeHan never even tried to go up to Taesan to ask for his insta or something, at first he hadn't thought about it, then he realized every time he said he would he got a little bit nervous; LeeHan always brushed the nervousness off, but he still didn't ask Taesan for his insta or number ever.

Sungho:- When are you going to ask Taesan for his insta or sum? You've been talking about him for way too long. -

Riwoo:- Yeah man, you talk and talk about him but you never do, it's so not like you for you to not have asked him for one of his social medias yet. -

LeeHan:- I don't know, I just haven't found the space to do so. -

As they walked to their lockers, LeeHan spotted Taesan leaning onto what he could only guess to be his locker, looking at his phone, probably waiting for his friends.

Sungho:- Look, he's over there, you should go talk to him.

LeeHan:- You know what? Yeah, I'll go do it. -

But as LeeHan walked over to Taesan, he felt his heart start beating really fast, and he was thinking over and over what he was gonna say. It hit him like a truck, he only behaved like this in one specific situation.

LeeHan:- Oh fuck- - he walked back to his friends.

Sungho:- Everything good? You look kinda pale. -

LeeHan:- Yeah, I just- I think I have low sugar, can we go now so I can find something sweet to eat? -

Riwoo:- Sure let's go, you almost look like a zombie. -

They were going out shopping to the mall together and Sungho was taking them. They got into Sungho's car and they made their way to the mall.

Sungho:- You sure everything's good and it's just your sugar? Because you look like you just discovered the meaning of life and you're on the border of a life crisis where you'll get a buzz cut and dye it pink. -

Riwoo:- That is oddly specific- but it's true, you don't look too good bro. -

LeeHan:- I'll tell you guys when we get to the mall, I need to process. -

Sungho:- Ok then, don't worry. -

They got to the mall and started their tour around their favorite shops to see if they had anything nice. They came out with at least one piece of clothing from each store, this collection was looking great.

While shopping LeeHan managed to distract himself a little bit from his mind that was really running wild. They got some ice cream and decided to sit down to eat and so LeeHan could talk to them in peace.

Riwoo:- Tell us, what is concerning you? Is it bad? - Riwoo asked with genuine concern in his voice.

LeeHan:- It's not bad- it's just, hard to process. -

Sungho:- Don't worry we're here to hear anything you need to tell us. -

LeeHan:- Well, uhm, god this is hard to say I've barely processed it. -

Riwoo:- It's ok, take your time, take all the time you need. -

LeeHan:- Ok so, I think, I might have discovered something really big about myself. I believe I feel attracted to Taesan, in a 'I wouldn't mind being more than friends' typa way. -

Sungho:- Don't ask me why, but I kinda felt this coming. I totally support you, and I totally understand why this is hard to process, we're here for you-

It's true- Sungho always had a hunch about it. Maybe it was the way LeeHan behaved when he saw Taesan, or the fact that LeeHan mentioned Taesan quite often, but Sungho always felt like LeeHan's interest in Taesan went over wanting to be friends with him.

LeeHan:- God I feel so so confused- I totally didn't think I'd be discovering something new about my sexuality this year. I've been kinda feeling it for a while I just brushed it off because I didn't want to acknowledge it I guess, but it's getting to a point where I can't just ignore it, it wasn't healthy to ignore it anyway. -

Riwoo:- So you're sure of what you feel? If that's so, then yeah, maybe it's a change you didn't expect and it's hard to process but just know that we can go through this together, there's no reason for you to suffer alone. No human likes change, we're made like that by nature, eventually you'll get used to it, you'll completely feel like yourself and you'll be able to just acknowledge it as a part of you. -

Sungho:- Right now you may feel it as something that doesn't associate with you at all and like it isn't really a part of you, but once your mind fully comprehends it, you'll fully feel like yourself again and feel comfortable with every part of you. And like Riwoo said, you don't have to suffer alone, we'll help you through this and we'll learn about this together. -

LeeHan:- Thanks for your support and help guys, it means a lot. Right now I feel like I'm here physically but my mind has gone elsewhere, I really wanna go home, I'm sorry. -

Sungho:- Hey, don't be sorry, I can totally take you home right now, let's go. -

Sungho took the boys to each of their houses so they could rest and go to sleep.

LeeHan:- Hi mom, can I talk to you about something tomorrow night? I'd do it right now but I'm really tired. -

LH's mom:- Hi sweetie, of course! You can tell me anything you want whenever you like. -

LeeHan:- Thanks mom, I'll go to sleep now, I really need it. -

LH's mom:- Goodnight love, I love you -

LeeHan:- Goodnight mom, I love you too. -

And the LeeHan bisexual arc starts.

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