Number 1.

145 3 0

He was every thing I could ask for, he was just.. perfect in every way. In ways people couldn't describe. I love him so much and I'm so lucky to have someone like him in my life, he just makes me smile at the stupidest things and I will never forget all the presents he got for little things such as valentines day. But looking back on all them thoughts brings me back to reality, I'm sat in my room with the light grey blanket covering me, since it just started lashing down, the Rain drops hitting my window and with the blanket around me, I was staring at our photos from the past. How I wish I could of saved him that day, I think about it often. How the fact I loved him so much and I lied. I lied by saying I would protect him, I failed. I failed because I couldn't help him, he got shot right in front of my bare eyes and bled out in my arms. I screamed. I cried. I regret not helping him, by the time the emergency services came, he was dead. There wasn't any sign of a heartbeat. My true love died in front of my eyes and I failed to help him.

Word count: 217.

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