Number 2

66 3 0

For a little context, since one of my friends said it's useful:
Delilah and Kai have been together for around 4 years and have been close, but recently Kai's been a bit distant. Find out why below‼️

It was just a normal autumn evening, no clouds just wind. When suddenly the door to my connected bedroom with Delilah, shot open. " Who the actual fuck do you think you are Kai. " She spat out. " What? What's wrong? " I looked at her, confused with why she's suddenly like this. " You literally only come home at night nowadays or you come home halfway through the day and are quote on quote too tired to hang out with me. " She said, standing at the door with her arms crossed. " W- I'm so sorry oh my god, I've been catching up with Nora, she's my best friend who I haven't seen since high school. " I spoke, slowly walking over to her. " No, you can stay over there. " She spat. " Right then. " I rolled my eyes and stared back at her. " Just your friend since high school huh? " She snapped out. " Yeah? I wouldn't lie to you love. " I stated. " Right then, how come I haven't met her then? " Delilah replied. " I-Im sorry I didn't know you wanted to. " I stammered, she just scoffed and walked away from me. Am I that much of a screw up that I didn't bother to ask if she ever wanted to come over? I guess so, I'm such a fucking idiot. I suddenly woke up, with Delilah in bed next to me and I looked at my palms, sweat had covered them like blood on the hands of a victim, my breathing was heavy as I realized, everything was just a stupid nightmare. Thank god.

Word count: 301.

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