Number 25.

16 1 13

It was off to a good start, until that moment.

Everything was perfect, we were in my car, laughing, smiling and it all seemed to good to be true. Every hour passed and not a moment was filled with silence, then something I never thought would happen, did. He leaned in and kissed me. It felt like everything else was just invisible and it was just a slow and gentle kiss. He pulled away and let his forehead rest on mine, both of us smiling and nothing could of went wrong.

" Lix? "
" Yeah? "
" I think- I think I like you. More than a friend. "
" It took you long enough to say it. "
" So.. Do you like me ba- "
I was cut of short by him kissing me, a second time.
" Of course I do, dummy. "
And from that night on, we were classed as boyfriends.

That was until today.

I thought to myself maybe he's just busy, I'm sure he's okay. So I checked my phone again, seeing my screen light up from my table.

No new messages.

I clicked onto mine and his chat, thinking maybe he's seen it and forgot to reply?

Mon amour ❤

Me: You wanna meet up? I have something for you<3
Delivered: 5h ago

Me: Hunny? Is everything okay?
Delivered: 4h ago

Me: Lixxy?
Delivered: 1h ago

Me: Hey, you alright? Did you leave your phone at home?
Seen: 5m ago.

(Back to real life)

Oh. He saw the message and never replied.. That's not like him?

One new message.

I picked up my phone, seeing " Mon amour ❤ " and clicking on the chat.

Mon Amour ❤: Landon, stop messaging me. I don't wanna be with you anymore, you clearly fucking cheated. And I actually thought you'd be different, guess not.

My face instantly dropped, what the fuck?

Word count: 305.

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