Number 28.

9 1 5

inspired by: you drew stars around my scars


It was a Saturday Evening, thank god it was the weekend. Both kayden (Kay will be used throughout) and Liam (Li) were in their dorm room, Kay was doing maths homework and Li was sitting on Kay's bed on his phone.
Both boys had little to no plans, it was mainly

- Get homework done.
- Maybe go get coffee?
- Get food since they have eaten toast for multiple days.

Not a lot, as you can see. But that was their lives, they try to keep to themselves as much as they can due to the fact Li didn't experience the best childhood.

Once Kay had finished his homework he spun his chair around to face Li, noticing how you could see little scars scattered throughout his arms, Li had told Kay about this stuff about a week after he did it and ever since Kay has tried to check up on him at least three times every day to make sure he doesn't repeat the same things again, the unfortunate part is how it's not just on Li's arms but elsewhere. This gave Kay an idea which may seem childish but he thinks it's a fun thing.

He grabbed a pen from on top of his maths book and walked over to Li, sitting down next to him hiding the pen. Li didn't notice and continued playing games on his phone until he got his phone snatched and threw opposite him.

" What the fuck??? "
" What? "
" My phone? "
" I wanna do something but it may require you to uhhhh "
" To? "
" takeurshirtoff? "
" Bit strange but okay?.. "
" Can you lay on ur stomach n close ur eyes, don't ask. "
" Sure "

Once Li turned his head and closed his eyes, Kay opened the pen and started drawing stars over his scars on his back, being gentle to not hurt him in any way. He then moved to draw them on Li's arms ignoring how his lover kept whining that it felt weird and asking what he was doing.

" Go look in the mirror lili!! "
" Fuck off calling me that. "
" Whatever just go lookkkk "
" I'm going I'm going. "

Li then stood up and went to the floor length mirror close to Kay's vanity and smiled at the doodles of stars. He then went back over to Kay who was mindlessly staring and gave him a long hug, both of them exchanging I love yous.

hope u enjoyed ❤

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