Number 33.

8 1 1

I apologize for the long break I took. I haven't had any motivation to write but, I hope you all enjoy.

Contains death (back to back angst.. mb?)

I suddenly realised, this wasnt my bedroom. Where was I? Why's everything so bright..? Am I dreaming?..

I looked around, and regretfully, I looked beneath me. I was above the clouds. Had i..? No.. Surely..?

Everything was a blur, I stood around confused and internally panicking as to how I died all of a sudden. I never got to say my goodbyes or anything.. No last " I love you. " nothing..

What would Lara be doing..? Would she even be aware of her girlfriends death? Would she of kissed my forehead thinking im asleep but infact im not. I'm dead. And there's nothing anyone can do..

All the unfinished paintings, the mess I left behind, no goodbyes to my sister even.. No goodbyes to Felix.. Nobody.
I could feel a tear sting my cheek, until I looked around, noticing that a lot of these people were family members.

My hand trembled, I looked in the direction of a woman who looked exactly like me, expect she was paler and had brown hair.

" M-mum?.. " I say, shakily. I never really remembered who she was, she died after I was two. My dad told me everything about her though..

The woman - my mother - nodded and opened her arms in a welcoming way. I couldn't help but feel a slight smile tug at my lips, I welcomed her warm embrace and stayed like that for a while.

" Oh Naomi dear.. You died too young.. " She said, moving hair out of my face and hugging me tighter.


ahhhh I'm sorry if it wasn't as good!! I have a idea planned that might take a few days to post but have this for now ❤

Word count: 312.

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