Number 16

22 1 12

More like a hero x villain thing now?

Nathan's pov

It was a boring day and Im burnt out as hell. All I want is coffee and my bed, unfortunately life as a hero sucks. I don't get to see my friends and family that often due to people causing chaos everywhere and nowhere. But anyway I get to wind down and just relax once I get in, finally. Once I got into the house I took my bag off, placing it onto the floor and hanging my jacket on the hangers. A creak was sounded from the living room, I raised an eyebrow in concern and walked cautiously towards the noise, my jaw dropping in shock as I stared at the person sitting on my couch and looking at the ceiling noticing how some of my friends are tied up duct tape covering their mouth and their bodies.

????'s Pov:

I smiled at Nathan, him looking up at the ceiling and his jaw dropping then looking back at me. " What's up? Oh, wrong choice of wording. " I laughed, looking him up and down. " What the fuck Paisley. " He hastily let out, " What? " I smiled, " Why do they look like they're trying to commit suicide-" He said, I let out a little laugh. " That was funny- I mean- fuck off. " He raised an eyebrow " Someone has a soft spot. " He laughed, " You're making them type of jokes and your friends are duct taped to the ceiling love. " I smirked, he sighed and climbed on his table and undid the duct tape one by one, catching his friends and putting them down slowly. I giggled at all of them running out the house immediately. Nathan just stood there in shock and started laughing with me. " So, how did you get in here? " He stared at me, " Hairpins come in handy. " I smirked, " Valid I guess, bit creepy how you choose my house out of all is it not? " He asked, " Considering your my worst nemesis, nahh. " I smiled. He looked at me and facepalmed. " Whattt? " I asked " Nothing. Nothing at all. " He laughed to himself. " Okay well it's been fun darling , but i gotta go. " I said, his face turning flushed and shooting me a wave and I left. Am I falling for the hero?.. No- no I shouldn't.....

Maybe I am.


Hope you enjoyed. :)

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