Number 10

15 1 9

wassupp.. so I'm writing these because one of my friends wanted someone to die aka Unknown-Reader44 so thank you and yeah enjoy :)

Paisley's POV:

I never believed that this day would come. But no, it did. Out of everyone, why him? Why one of my favourite and an important people I had and who was always by my side, died. I can't fucking believe it. Nathan, my boyfriend left me and not in the break up way, in the death way. I would never of believed this, it's that bad for mostly everyone. It's to that point where even Felix is upset, sometimes he doesn't know why but you could see that friendship between them growing and now it can't even get any better because Nathan's now dead. I didn't go to the hospital with him, why? Because I would of screamed and cried in front of people who've seen enough. I feel awful for not going now but i made a flower bouqet for him, i put it as his grave already and put my blanket down cause I'm not sleeping by myself, even though I kind of am he's there with me in spirit, I hope. I took one of his hoodies while he was alive and Im in a sense happy, because now I have a part of him to still be here with me, I miss him. I miss the smile, the stupid jokes, the nicknames, the lot. I genuinely don't know what to do, i haven't even spoke to anyone other than Felix today. I don't want to. My eyes are bloodshot from tears, my face a mess because of my mascara running down with every tear, that's all I can do now. Cry. Everything just feels horrible now, I can't even break a smile now, I just wanna sit alone next to his grave and cry. I'm looking at all the other people in the graveyard, noticing how none of them are looking back once they place an item, just turning away and looking on the path. I don't know what to do anymore. I miss Nathan, a lot. The one person I trusted my everything with and the person I loved a lot, died. It's funny because I never knew when he would die, but 15? Jesus Christ. " I'm sorry for everything love, I'm sorry for all the arguments, the bunch. I'm sorry. " I choked out, sobbing. I fucking want him back. I don't need anyone else right now, besides my siblings. I just hope Harriet's okay and Alicia. Jesus... I feel bad for Alicia she's only 7 and lost her own brother. I'm gonna try see if I can have her tomorrow, she's important to me aswell.

sorry for any tears caused lolz

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