Number 32

13 1 23

For context, Landon is the only one able to see Felix in this. (At first) and yes, he is able to do human actions despite being dead.


It's been a week since he died. Nobody's really spoken to one another about him, I'm the only one who seems to of gone much quieter. Everyone else is a bit depressed but trying to distract themselves with other things. I've mostly been hanging out with Nathan and after a while he's persisted to stay in my room so I actually get some sleep, I've spent the last 5 days binge watching Aladdin, it was his favourite movie how could I not? In all honesty, I've barely spoken to anyone but Nathan.

That was until something weird started happening today and I felt like I was going insane.

" Hey, Nathan? Can you hear something? "

" .. No? "

" Weird.. Okay. "

He looked at me with concern and I just continued playing my games on my phone until, let's call it the voices for now, started making fun of Nathan and it was funny but I held back my laugh. Nudging Nathan again, he looked at me as if to say " What now " and I said " The voices r making fun of you el oh el " and he scoffed before turning to Pais and talking to her. Lara was quick to act and say, " I'm sorry the what? " and I turned to her before muttering " Nothing. " and she rolled her eyes and talked to the others around her about something.

I decided to get up and go to my room to try and take a nap, most likely not going to and instead scroll on my phone. I told Nathan where I was going and he nodded saying he'll be through in a bit. I opened my bedroom door, making sure that I didn't slam it before climbing the ladder up to my actual bed and face planting the pillows. Nothings like the comfort of your own bed. I felt something was in the room but shoved it off and closing my eyes.

That was until something or someone spoke.

" Lannnnndddyyyyyyy " (F)

" Mm, go away Nathan. " (L)

" Ew why would I be that disappointment. " (F)

I whipped my head around, only Lix would call him tha-

" Oh my fucking god. " (L)

" What? " (F)

I stared at him blankly.

" Wait- you can see me? " (F)

" Nooo, I'm staring at you like a normal human being would. OF FUCKING COURSE I CAN?? " (L)

" Mbmb. " (F)

" I'm so confused.. How- " (L)

" Basicallyyyyy the seraphim sent me down here to watch over you and stuff. I promise I'm not gonna leave you. " (F)

" Wait, seriously? " (L)

" Seriously. " (F)

I didn't dare waste another moment before getting up and collapsing into his arms, crying and giving him a hug that acted like it was the last one I could ever give him.

" Hey hey, don't cry I'm here now " He paused, lifting my chin to wipe the tears. " You're gonna be okay. " He said before placing a kiss on my forehead, which still no matter how many times he did it when he was alive, always managed to make me freeze up.

After a while of me and him hugging he sat on my bed and I followed, resting my head in his lap. He figured out he could use a phone and decided to mess about on it. I was just looking up at him, admiring how pretty he actually was. He took a moment to laugh and I decided to reach my hand up, taking ahold of the back of his neck and leaning him down to my lips. Smiling up at him while he put head into the crook of my neck before smiling back at me.

" I missed you. A lot. " (L)

" I know I missed you too ml " (F)

" I love you idiot " (L)

" And I love you more " (F)

And that's how it was, we grew that same old bond we had again, he also figured out how to make everyone else see him, after messing with Paisley on messages for a bit,everyone was surprised but was happy. We watched Aladdin a lot more and talked about stupid shit. And then a month passed by and I felt something was off when we were just in my room.

I was lying down on my bed, waking up from a sleep, Felix sitting against a post on my bed. I looked at him for a moment, briefly taking in his facial expressions.

" Hey, you okay? " I asked, tapping on his shoulder. " Yeah, I'm fine. " He sternly said. I was actually worried, I've not seen him this sad in a long while. " You know you can talk to me right?.. " He turned to face me and sighed, " There.. There's something I need to tell you. Please don't freak out. " I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. " I uh, I have to go back. "

I looked at him, purely thinking he was joking and he avoided eye contact with me. " You're fucking joking right? " I laughed. He shook his head. " Felix, you promised you wouldn't leave. Are you fucking kidding. " I spoke, hints of anger coming out even though internally it felt like my heart was breaking into a thousand pieces.

" I'm sorry that's it's out of my control, you always do this. You get angry every pissing time something is out of MY control. Do I look like I wanna go back? No. I love you and I never wanted to but I'm not a fucking human anymore Landon. " He said frustrated.

" Oh here we go with the blame game, it's my fault for every thing. You're the one who broke the promise. Not me. I actually can't believe you. You know what, I'm done. I loved you. I'm going back to the others. Take the matching necklace incase you decide to never come back. Goodbye Felix. " I unhooked the chain, getting up and placing it on the floor. Immediately climbing down my ladder and opening the door to go sob into Nathan's lap.

" Shit. " Felix said, picking up the necklace and sobbing. He hooked the necklace around his neck and looked at it before disappearing.

Nathan was quick to comfort me but after a bit of conversation he asked " Where's Felix? I thought he'd come running after you by now. " And I shook my head before saying " He's gone lmao. " and Nathan told me to sit up so I did, and he immediately hugged me. I put my head against his chest and started sobbing again.

Tysm for reading, kind of a long one!
Word count: 1.1k. (1,117 in specific)

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