Number 14

13 1 4

Wanted to thank you all for 100 reads ❤❤

Kaydens Pov:

Me and Li decided to go out for a bit, we both had the rest of the day off and thought it would be better to spend it outdoors rather then inside. We went to a cafe place where they sold all sorts, I got a basic caramel latte and Liam just got a coffee. On the way, I bumped into someone who I didn't recognise at first. " Oh god, so sorry-" I said, " No worries, hey aren't you kayden? " He asked, raising an eyebrow. " Yeah, Why? " I replied. " It's me, *****, primary? " He laughed, I looked him up and down and spoke, " Oh my fuck- How have you been? " And the conversation continued, Liam was by my side the entire time, I assume looking at the dude weirdly. " Hey, it was nice meeting you but gotta go, have stuff to do. " He said, I smiled and nodded and turned to Li, " You good? " I asked, he didn't answer and mumbled something before walking, me alongside him and shrugging it off. We finally came across the beach since it wasn't that far of a walk from the cafe place. " .. I didn't like the way he looked at you. " Liam muttered, I raised an eyebrow and spoke " Is someone jealous? " I laughed, he hit my arm and said " I am not. " turning to cross his arms away from me, " Awhhhh you're cute. " I laughed, gently grabbing his chin with my fingertips making him face me, that made his face turn bright pink. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, pulling away and within seconds had his face buried into my neck, making me laugh more and just gaze off into the distance and having an arm around Liam. " I love you " I smiled, " Love you too " He replied, smiling back before lifting his head up only to rest his head on my shoulder and readjust my arm.

anyway yeah hope you liked the cuties, any suggestions for storylines r appreciated

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