Number 29

10 1 9

Me and Lara, well I mean mostly me decided tonight is movie date night. I don't know why buttttt there's a new movie out and I wanna watch itt sssssoooo I'm bringing Lara along with me because Felix is with landon and everyone else is busy.

I already booked tickets the previous week as it was cheap week so... yeah. I saved extra money up to be able to afford the movie snacks since they are always so expensive for no reason, like what's up with that?? But anyways, I got dressed, put my hair up in a loose ponytail and put a white bow in to match my dress and slipped on my ankle converse which has drawings on. I brought my sketchbook, fine liner and pencil with me in my tote bag since I bring them everywhere, and messaged Lara to meet me at the front of the school near the fountain.

After 30-40 Minutes of waiting

I finally see Lara and wave at her, she's wearing a white long sleeved top which has small ruffles along the neckline and black leggings along with Mary Jane style shoes
. (what a stunner fr) she notices me and comes slightly running towards me, giving me a massive hug. We both talk and get in her car (since laras older) as she drives us to the cinema we put on music and just have a whole party in the car, I also sketch the sky as it had a slight pink tint to it.

Once we got to the cinema I quickly pulled up the tickets online and the person scanned them, allowing us to go through. We both took a wander at what was to eat and drink, deciding on sharing a blue raspberry slush and getting a packet of cheese Doritos and starburst to share. I picked up the starburst and Doritios and went to join the line, Lara beside me. Once it was our turn we placed the items on the counter, told the person that we would like a blue raspberry slush along with a medium popcorn. After about a minute he came back and I paid for the things. Once we had successfully gotten our things, we realised our movie was about to start and quickly went to find where it was.

Eventually we got to our seats and the movie started playing. Throughout it we finished basically everything, and once the credits showed it was around 5:30pm so we both decided to order takeaway for dinner. We headed back to the car and Lara drove us back home.

" Naomi what the hell did you guys order there's like 5 pizza boxes. "

" Uhhhh, pizza for a lot of people. "

Word count: 458

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