Number 13

15 1 3

Enjoy the story, w help from Unknown-Reader44 for context: Lyra uses he/they/she so you will see a change of pronouns. They're also enemies to lovers so lolz

Kara's POV:

I told myself, okay maybe your crush is just a delusional phase and you can get over it. But nopppeee, it ain't. And normally I'm not really the type to be annoyed or anything with anyone, but Lyra came in the dorm not long ago with a black eye, I panicked and ran to get ice which is where I am right now, he's sitting by the fire, wincing quietly. They normally don't like to show any pain, as I've learnt. " Here, take the ice please. " I spoke, handing her the ice pack. " I'm fine. " They muttered. " No, your not. Take it please. " I worried for them whenever stuff like this happened but normally it's just a small bruise, this was different. They mumbled something and took the ice pack, putting it on their eye. I sat in front of them, " Who did this to you. " I asked, they didn't respond and instead just winced in more pain, " Lyra, please. Who did this? " I asked, I don't know why I'm concerned. Normally i just leave them to it and he's my enemy what the fu- " ***** did it.. Not that it's any of your business. " She said, not looking me in the eye. I smiled and nodded, standing up and going to find this so called person. Yeah sooner or later I found them, punched them and kicked them in the dick and walked off, skipping. I didn't say anything to Lyra when I came back in as they went to his room, makes sense. I went to my room, changed into pj's and read.

Thank you for reading ❤

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