Number 27.

8 1 2

He and I were laughing, without a care in the world, without thinking of any consequences that could come with us sneaking out, it was just him and I in our own world and nobody else seemed to of mattered.

" You do realise if we're caught sneaking out we're gonna so get detention for at least a week. "

" And? "

" Wh- What do you mean and? I don't wanna spend a week in detention! "

" I get to spend more time with you, and you get to spend more time with me. It works out? "

" You're a dork. "

" Am not? "

" Are too. "

Both of us continued laughing, smiling, joking around like idiots.
That was until we heard shoes clacking which none of us were moving so we quickly dipped behind a bush and looked out for who it was and they got closer and closer until they walked away seeming suspicious but brushing it off. He looked at me and I turned to look at him and we both immediately started laughing, causing the person to whip their head around and come back, both of us completely oblivious to them and hearing

" You two! Detention! I cannot believe you are here after hours. " a female voice spoke, not very happy I must say.

We both looked up at her and apologized and held hands and ran back to our rooms, letting each other go while he closed the door and I ran to mine, not wanting to get yelled at by a night patroller again.

Word count: 256.

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