Number 35

9 1 15

For context: The teachers making them hold hands for pure embarrassment. He is not a weirdo <\3

Salem's POV:

Ughhh. How long can one class last? Nobody is ever gonna use bar charts again in their life honestly.

The teacher started walking around handing out worksheets for us to complete in the last half an hour of the lesson. He spent half and hour talking about useless information..

I forgot I got put next to Arlo honestly.
" Psssssssssssttttttttt! " I whisper as I nudged his shoulder. He replied with
" The fuck you want? " and a death glare. Don't know what he's got against me.. Not like I'm a pain or anything. " Nothingggg! " I said, turning my attention back to my worksheet and Arlo just scoffs and nudges my shoulder pretty hard. " Ow? " " Grow up.. it wasn't that hard. " I roll my eyes and just continue working through the sheet.

By the time I finish it, my favourite person ever (who definitely wants to kill me) is.. sleeping? Seriously.. I grab a whiteboard pen that was in the closest reach, turns out to be a black one and I drew random things on his face that consisted of drawings and just for the fun I wrote across his forehead ' I <3 emo boys. ' Oh he's gonna kill me when he finds a mirror.

Pretty much as soon as I faced the front, the pen spinning in my hand, he woke up and looked up, all I could do was just laugh.

" .. What are you laughing at. "
" Nothinggg. You might have something on your face though. " I offered a teasing smile and he blinked a few times before grabbing a mirror from his pocket and looking at the art piece I created! " WHAT THE FUCK. "

" Mr Prescott is there a reason you're swearin- " The teacher looked up at Arlo and stared at him and the masterpiece (drawn by me obviously) that he had upon his face. The teacher cleared his throat " Go to the toilets and wash it off please. "

All I could do was just stare at my worksheet holding in laughter until Arlo quite literally punched me right in the nose.

" OW WTF? " Yeah my nose was definitely bleeding like crazy. " You drew on my face. Only fair. " He replied with a cocky smile. " Ow my fucking nose.. "

" Right. " The teacher spoke up, all of a sudden he was standing in front of our desk. " The pair of you, go to the nurses office and get it sorted then go to detention. I'll explain the rest there. "

" But- " Arlo tried to intervene and got a glare and the teacher pointed us both to the door, picking up my bag and swinging it over my shoulders I left and headed straight for the nurses office. I felt slightly dizzy from the blood loss but made it, unsurprisingly Arlo was definitely not following me.

Eventually I got fixed and just got told to keep tissue on it and move my head as less as possible, which was hopefully doable. I opened the door to detention and Arlo was already there. Of course he would be..

" Right since you two want to behave like children. I'll treat you like some. Go sit in the corner and hold hands until this hours over. " The teacher spoke with a straight face, there was no hesitancy or joking manner in his voice. He was serious.

" Are you having a laugh? " Arlo butted in, I just stayed quiet. He was definitely not gonna agree to that, I wouldn't miiinnndddd!!! Maybe I'd like it a bit too much. Eeehhhhh, nobody cares~

" Come on already don't be a pain. He's not joking. " I said and dragged him by his wrist, probably getting it slapped a few times before he gave in and let me drag him.

" You act like being stuck with me is a bad thing? " I raised an eyebrow and placed my bag down, adjusting my jacket. " That's because it is. " He did the same thing with his bag and placed it next to his chair.

Arlo turned back towards the teacher and asked " Do we really have to yk.. hold hands? " The teacher just nodded and he looked like he wanted to kill himself right there and then. I was not THAT bad. Maybe a bit. Besides the point.

I just sighed and grabbed his hand, he was 100% going to make it difficult so I just laced my fingers through his and sat down. I pulled my phone out with the other hand and discreetly hid it from the teachers.

The rest of detention went by quickly, we barely talked though I swear you could hear my heartbeat at this point. I miggghhhhhtttttt just maaayybeee might have a ttiinnnyyy crush on him. I will never admit that out loud to anyone but myself but we're gonna move on.

The bell rings for lunch to start and we both start walking, forgetting his hand was still joined with mine he started walking quicker.

" At least let go of my hand! "

He paused and turned around, opening his hand to remove it and walking off even quicker. I just stood there and smiled, idiot.


what do we think of these two lmk!

Word count: 862

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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