Number 18

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back to writing after a bit!!!

Landon's POV:

As much as I love being a part of quidditch, it fucking hurts when injuries happen. And guess what... That may or may not have happened to me? I accidentally went the wrong way, jumped off my broom and you can guess where that got me, in the sandpit with what I assumed was a twisted ankle since nothing else really hurt, I blacked out until I was in the hospital wing, as expected. I was given medicine dissolved in water and oh my fucking god that was vile, but so is every other medicine.

About an hour or so later I woke back up, I decided to take a nap as Madam Pomfrey was busy with other people, she told me that it wasn't just a twisted ankle, in fact I had broken the bottom half of my leg, below the knee. So, she said stay in here for about another week and then I should be good because this medicine should supposedly help with healing the bones. Fucking hell it hurts like a bitch, soon I heard the doors open and familiar footsteps, " Surprise? " Lix popped around the curtain, " Fuck- don't do that you scared me. " I jumped slightly, adjusting myself again. " Sorryyy, how are you? You holding up okay? " He asked, sitting on the bed, placing his hand on top of mine. " I'm okay, apparently my legs broken and it kills like a bitch. " I smiled weakly, taking his hand and interlocking our fingers. (stfu how that sounds weird.) " I'm sorry hun, I'm sure the medicine will help though. " He smiled, " Yeah, I hope so. " I took my hand away from his and moved my arms up, " Come on, I wanna cuddle. " I said, he laughed and moved to lay down next to me, being cautious of my leg. " I love you " I smiled, " I love you too " He replied, booping my nose and I did the same back, the both of us putting our foreheads together and smiling and laughing about the stupidest jokes, he fell asleep eventually with his head on my chest and arms wrapped around me, mine were around him I smiled and kissed his forehead, " goodnight my love. " I said, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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