Chapter 24

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Getting out of bed is probably the hardest part of my day. Its been three days since i've talked to steven. Three horrible days.

I stood up and went to take a shower. I washed my hair and then blow dried it. I put it into a messy bun and put on some waterproof mascara and a lil bit of eyeliner.

I went back to my room to go and change. I put on my pink tie dye shirt and some light denim shorts. I don't know what im going to do today but i'm sure as hell that im not staying home.

I grabbed my board and my phone and headed out the door. I decided to go get ice cream since ice cream always makes me feel better.

I ordered a chocolate ice cream cone and sat down on a bench outside. I went on my phone to check twitter and ate my ice cream.
@ stevenfhoney: I want her back
@ stevenfhoney: I ruin everything
@ stevenfhoney: i miss her smile

Steven has been tweeting about me all day. I then checked my notifications and they were filled with hateful and mean comments. Steven's fans hated me, they thought i broke his heart, that i hurted him. If only they knew the truth.

I finished my ice cream and i still felt sad and broken. I wanted to cry and break down right there. I tried to put myself together and just think happy thoughts but i couldn't all i could think about was steven kissing that girl.

I then felt the tears going down my face and i tried to wipe them away but they just kept on falling.

"Vanessa?" a familar voice said. I quickly wiped my tears away and took a deep breath in. I turned around to see who it was and it was Benjamin.

"What do you want?" I said harshly. "Are you okay? What happened?" he said and sat next to me. "Nothing." i said not looking at him. "Vanessa please, what happened?" he said again. I then broke down crying, "Why do the people i love the most always hurt me? Why can't i be happy for once? I loved him so much." i said sobbing. Benjamin then hugged me "I don't know we're just stupid and we don't know how special you are to us." he said.

I hugged him back. I needed a hug. "I know i've done you dirty in the past but that was the old me and i want things to be right between us, so i can be there for you at times like these, will you forgive me?" he said looking into my eyes. "yes i forgive you. " i said and smiled. My smile quickly faded away as i thought of steven. "What happened between you and him?" he asked. I told him the whole story and he hugged me.

"Don't waste your tears on him, hmm.. let's do something fun! get your mind off of him." he said getting up. "Are you sure Daisy will be okay with this?" I asked unsurly. "Uhh we kinda of broke up because she liked some other guy, i think his name was aramis." he said. I giggled and then got up too. "Where shall we go?" i said "Come with me my lady." he said fancly and offered me his arm. I giggled and took his arm.
Sorry guys i haven't been updating my phone got stolen and then i had finals and then scummy drama and yaaa but hope you like it please give it a like and leave a comment!!! love ya boos

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